4 weeks post and scared of work.

I am four weeks post op, and I can't eat or drink much of anything including water. It hurts my tummy to swallow it feels like a I am swallowing all air. I eat 2 bites of anything and hurt. I can't get much exercise because if I stand more than 4-5 minutes I get hot flashes and feel like I am going to faint. This happens even if I get enough to eat or drink. Iam scared because I am required to go back to work in 2 weeks. I am also down 40 lbs in one months went from 364 to 324    — Tabby (posted on March 8, 2006)

March 8, 2006
You need to make an appointment with your doctor. Its not natual to 'hurt' especially at 4 weeks. Best be checked out.
   — star .

March 8, 2006
Some new pouches have a difficult time adjusting to a change of diet and is dealing with "stress", which is why you might be having difficulty in eating and drinking. This might be considered "normal"; however, I would DEFINITELY seek out medical advice from your doctor on this matter.
   — SJSlesnick

March 8, 2006
Contact your doctor as soon as possible.
   — mamita093

March 8, 2006
Contact your doctor as soon as possible.
   — mamita093

March 8, 2006
Tabitha, I had to repeat others but you could've developed strictures so please call your physician ASAP. Your energy level should be improving not getting worse as well. Denise
   — dlryanoates

March 8, 2006
Yes, Call your Dr. If you are not eating or drinking water, You are most likely dehydrated & could cause bigger problems if not taken care of asap, If you are not getting any food into you at this point, something is for sure not right. Good luck on the 40 lbs., but, make sure everything is O.K. Call You Doc. today. Marilyn
   — Marilyn C.

March 10, 2006
Call you DR ASAP. SOme people require to stay at home more then others. I stayed in bed for 6 month. My body heeled very slowly.
   — Dani96

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