3 years post op gaining! considering lap band

Has anyone else had the lap band after rny. Can this be done? I am steadily gaining and never lost all my weight needed. Went from 278 down to 172. Now back to 198!! Help!    — tturner (posted on February 5, 2006)

February 5, 2006
look at the illustration and I think youll find your answer, my guess is no, but a DS is possible.
   — walter A.

February 5, 2006
it is most definitely possible and not all that uncommon. i see you are in missouri--dr wagner is very pro-band....maybe give his office a call? good luck!
   — jessicamegan

February 5, 2006
It can be done. But its NOT done to help you loose weight; you'll never get it pass insurance. It can be done to fix a mechianic problem such as a failed stoma. What are you eating to be gaining? The lapband helps with restriction on dense foods; not foods such as sweets and the lapband is restriction only; you will have to 'diet' to loose the weight even if you were able to get a lapband.
   — star .

February 6, 2006
IMHO... before you do anything, analyze why you're gaining weight. I know in my case, I've gained because I am not exercising and I'm eating too much of the wrong things. Could that be the case with you? Could it be something that is honestly something you can control if you set your mind to it? We have to help our tool so it can help us. It will never do all the work without us putting forth the effort. Just my opinion, based on my own situation. Angie
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 6, 2006
You did not have any information in your profile, so I was wondering what your eating habits are like at this point. I am also three years post op and started to gain some weight back a few months back. I was gaining because I was making bad food choices. For me it was too much sugar. I went back to the basics eating three small meals per day and eating only healthy snacks. No chips and other junk. I lost the weight and continue to maintain at 155 pounds. If you are in fact making bad food choices, you should go back to the basics instead of trying to have another surgery on top of your RNY. You can still gain weight with the Lap Band, so it would be easier physically and mentally (considering what insurance will put you through) to just start making better food choices. Good luck to you.
   — C. Burns

February 6, 2006

   — Kasey

February 14, 2006
OH dear.....If the RNY didn't work for you how is the lap band? It merely restricts a bit and you have to keep having it tweaked and hope it doesn't adhere to your guts. The DS, however has an excellent record..MORE weight lost, and KEPT off and you NEVER have to DIET again!!!
   — T S.

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