I think something is wrong with me.

I am almost 4 weeks post op. As we all know, I can only take a few bites and I'm full. But is it normal to be hungry again every other hour? It seems to me that I can only be full for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Is that normal?    — Luscious1 X. (posted on February 14, 2003)

February 14, 2003
I know what you are talking about because I did the same thing. I would eat 1-3 oz of something and an hour later be hungry. The doc said this was ok. I can eat about 3-4 oz now but I don't eat as often. 3 1/2 months post op and down 53 pounds. Good luck
   — debbie11092002

February 14, 2003
This is normal. What helped for me is to really take you time and chew, chew, chew. This is hard for you now because you head is still in the old mode. Remember try to take a half hour to eat. If you need to get an egg timer set it for 2 minutes and after you take a bite hit it. When the timer expires then take another bite. This will help you to trin you head all over again to eat. When you get more food into that will help you stay fuller longer.
   — Richard M.

February 14, 2003
In the first several years, I ate something solid about every 2 hours. I drink protein shakes in betwee, but at this late stage, that's just a beverage, volume wise. Eating 1-2 oz of solid every 2 hours stil only gives you very few oz of food, so it's not too much food, not too much volume. And this way, it's also not grazing, which IS a huge amount of damage, calories & volume.
   — vitalady

February 14, 2003
For the first 4 weeks I was eating about every 2 hours in order to get in the foods required by my dietician. I wasn't necessarily hungry, but I never could get in all the food I was supposed to eat every day!
   — koogy

February 14, 2003
Hi. I'm a little over 4 weeks out, and feel the same sometimes. I find that I don't get as hungry if I make sure to eat tasty food (that part must be head hunger) and drink a lot between meals. I drink two protein drinks per day, so they help some with the hunger. If I find it isn't time for protein and plain water doesn't help, I drink V-8. Since it is thick and tasty, I find that it helps do the trick for at least an hour.<br> Good luck, Beth
   — Beth S.

February 18, 2003
It sound normal to me. In between meals you should be getting in your water and maybe some shakes that would keep you from feeling hunger. To tell you the truth at this stage most of the hunger I felt was in my head. Hope this helps.. best of luck to you.. remember get in your liquids it is really important.
   — MnShadows

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