When you go into the hospital does the doctor give you an..........

I was wondering if they give you an enema before the procedure is done?    — Luscious1 X. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
I have to take the day before surgery 1 bottle of Citrate of Magnesium @ 6pm and Fleet enema before bed and again before I go to the hospital. Sorry for any misspelled words. I hope this helps.
   — Sherri E.

January 15, 2003
Hi! I haven't had the surgery yet - but am hoping for sometime before mid-Feb. I know that my surgeon requires that you take Phospho-soda (or something like that). In the gastric by-pass manual all his patients are given, he recommends making sure all of your big eating is done about 2 or 3 days before the surgery date. The day before surgery, he wants you on an all liquid diet - but to be sure there are no blue or red dyes in the liquids. Then, at 5 pm take some of the Phospho-soda (can't remember the amount) with 4 oz of water and then followed with 8 oz of water. You are to repeat this at 8 pm. Then you cannot have any other liquids (or foods) after midnight. Hope this helps!!
   — Kirsten P.

January 15, 2003
You doctor should have told you to either take enema the day before surgery, or drink the soda to clean you out...which you can get from your drug store for $2.00. That is what is usually suggested. My doctor put me on a 4 day liquid fast before surgery. This is supposed to shrink your liver if you are having a lap procedure. He should have also told you not to eat or drink anything after midnight before you go to the hospital.
   — SHU-SHU

January 15, 2003
I had to be on clear liquids the day before (nothing red) and nothing after midnight before surgery. No bowel prep.
   — koogy

January 15, 2003
I had to be on a liquid diet two weeks prior to surgery (no limits, but all liquid) then the only thing I had the day of surgery was a small container of something to keep me from getting nauseous. Every Dr. is different, best advice is to call and ask.
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
As a previous poster said, you need to follow the instructions of your surgeon as each one has different prep procedures. I was on a liquid diet two days prior to surgery and had to take the Mag Citrate in the morning two days before and 4 Dulcolax 4-5 hours after that...JR
   — John Rushton

January 15, 2003
liquid diet two days prior to surgery no bowel prep what so ever. yeah.
   — kimberly T.

January 15, 2003
My dr only required nothing by mouth after midnight. I had a "last meal" including dessert. No problems during surgery or complications afterwards. Just follow your dr's orders. If you're lucky you won't have to do any of the nasty preps!
   — ctyst

January 15, 2003
Every doctor is different. Some want you to take nothing by mouth except liquids for 2-3 days before your surgery. Some make you do the magnesium citrate or phospho-soda. Your doctor will tell you what he wants you to do. Some only tell you not to eat or drink anything after midnight. I don't think I've seen a lot of posts from people who had to do enemas, but some doctors probably want you to do that.
   — garw

January 16, 2003
My doctor only required that I eat a lite meal the night before surgery and nothing to eat or drink after midnight. No enemas or laxatives given or required. He said with RNYs there was little or nothing in the stomach or small intestine area where he'd be working that he'd have to worry about during the surgery. (I assume that's because of having had nothing to eat or drink since midnight...)
   — lezawomack

January 16, 2003
You can see there are tons of answers, all different. Best thing to do is find out from your surgeon. Mine requires two days of clear liquids before surgery, and drinking that horrid fleet phosphosoda to cleanse your bowels. Nothing after midnight the night before surgery. Every surgeon is different, so find out from yours. Good Luck!
   — Dee ,.

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