— VANESSA E. (posted on July 28, 2001)
July 27, 2001
I don't know about the straw, but I was told NOT to drink Ice Water as it
might be uncomfortable. However ICE WATER was the "only" thing
that really felt good on my stomach. Pain lets us know what is good and
bad. If the straw in ice water feels good, then chances are you are doing
just fine.
But once you get healed do drink things other than water. I did'nt and a
couple days ago I ended up in the emergency room having two vials (or
whatever they call it) of potassium pumped in intraveinusly. That was
awful. All I drink is water, and that is'nt enough. :( Just think,...
I lived on pop all my life and would "never" drink water. Now I'm
told I drink to much (not volume, but because I drink nothing else). Go
figure. ;)
— Danmark
July 27, 2001
i was told not to use a straw for the first 6 months because you tend to
drink more with one than just sipping out of a glass.
— Andrea T.
July 28, 2001
I was told not to use a straw because of the possibility of getting excess
air into your pouch. I see here that you have already gotten different
answers so I would think you could just try it and see if you have a
problem. Let me just say though that I was very careful not to deviate
from my doc's outline or experiment on my own and I have had NO problems (I
am 4 weeks post op)...Good luck!
— Sharon E.
July 28, 2001
I am constantly amazed at how different doctors give different
instructions. This doesn't make one wrong and the other right, just
different. I also believe that it is evidence that this surgery is still
evolving and so are the post op instructions. Having said that...My surgeon
instructed me to use a straw post op. It was easier to control the amount
that you take in and seemed to encourage a higher fluid intake. As far as
the ice cold water? I don't believe that you can do any harm to yourself.
You will know if this is something that you can handle. It seems to be very
individual. Some say that they can ONLY drink ice cold water. For others,
this gives them an uncomfortable, achy feeling in their pouch. I would say
to follow your doctor's instructions. If this particular detail hasn't been
addressed, then you will have to experiment and see what works for you.
Good Luck to you. Shelley
— Shelley.
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