Will they ever go away?

I too suffer from boils,I get them what seems like every month or so.They usually appear under my arms and in the groin area,I have seen my Doc several times about it and not once was I placed on antibiotics.They always get sore and form a head but they invert never bursting and they go away.I too want to know is there a long term treatment that would cause them to go away forever?Does this mean thatI am not cleaning myself good enough?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 2, 2001)

July 2, 2001
I got this info from a website: Boils are caused by an infection of the hair follicles with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Most people with boils are otherwise healthy and have good personal hygiene. They do however carry Staph. aureus on the surface of their skins (Staph. carrier state). Why this occurs is usually not known, but it is estimated that 10- 20% of the population are Staph. carriers. Staph. is most commonly carried in the nostrils, armpits, between the legs and in the cleft between the buttocks. It may be transferred to other sites from the nostrils via the finger nails. Tiny nicks or grazes or something rubbing against the skin can innoculate the Staph. germ into the wall of a hair follicle which is a "weak point" in the skin's defences. Once innoculated, the bacteria cause a boil which goes on to run its usual course of about 10 days. Antibiotics cannot reach bacteria on the the skin surface so a "skin cleansing regime" may be necessary to prevent multiple boils Although most people with boils are otherwise healthy, a few simple blood tests to screen for anemia, white cell disturbance, diabetes, low iron or antibodies are often recommended.**** There's a really great product I use called <B>Hibiclens</B>. It is an antibacterial skin wash. You can get it at any pharmacy or Walgreen's, Longs Drugs, etc. I use it if I get a little blemish on the skin and it works really well, really fast. They use it in hospitals. It's something to try that you don't need a prescription for. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 12, 2001
Please have your doctor test you for Diabetes. I too had these "boils" under my arms and on my lower stomach, and went undiagnosed for type 2 diabetes for years. A good friend of mine was getting them on his groin, and at my insistance tested for diabetes, and sure enough, they admitted him to the hospital.
   — WendyNVA

December 6, 2001
I get those awful things too but I have to admit that I have fewer because of Antibacterial Soap. Keeping myself dry with powder helps also. I think the surgery will help and maybe even cure. My question is what are the chances of them becoming serious like cancer? And is it ok to pot and drain them. Sounds gross don't it. It is and they are painful. Help
   — [Anonymous]

February 4, 2002
This condition is called Hydradenitis. It is the inflamation of the sweat glands. Common in armpits, groin and breast areas. Antibiotics don't really help. Using an antibacterial cleanser, not shaving or using deoderant are your best bet. Many web sites on it.
   — [Anonymous]

February 4, 2002
I too get these mostly under my arms and on the back of my neck. I was told by my dermatologist to put warm wash cloths on them that keep them down. And I was put on an antibiotic called keflex also if they do but open and drain and start to smell you can buy triple antibiotic cream and that help heal them I was also told that I would "grow out of it" I'm still waiting I hope this help because their is no cure.
   — Samitra D J.

February 11, 2002
You are suffering from a condition called hidradenitis suppurative. This is a disorder that causes boils wherever there are sweat glands...usually in the groin area, underarms and some people get them under their breast. There is no cure for hidradenitis but there are things you can take to lessen them. I hope this helped. Brooke
   — brooke S.

February 18, 2002
I also suffer with boils in the areas mentioned. Through out the years I found a product which works for me. It's called 'Sea Breeze'. It's an astringent. As soon as I feel an outbreak I start appying it with a cotton ball or cotton pad 2 times a day for about 3 -4 days. The boil doesn't get any worse and eventually disappears. They are annoying and unsightly. I can't wear short sleeve blouse because of the scarring around my armpit. Good Luck.
   — Katherine H.

February 18, 2002
Do a web search on Hydrodenitis Supprativa. It's an incurable disease that primarily effects the hair bearing skin regions - it is not caused by obesity, but obesity often aggravates the condition. Often antibiotic therapy is used to try to lesson the symptoms, and using antibacterial soaps and astringents can sometimes help as well. In the more severe cases, surgical removal of the hair bearing skin is done and this sometimes keeps it from coming back. Something you want to keep in mind is the eventuality that you may be looking into plastic surgery to remove your excess skin - and as such you need to be keeping track of and documenting any and all problems you're having with your skin so that your insurance will cover your plastic surgery as a medical neccessity. Get your PCP to send you to a dermatologist for a definitive diagnosis of this skin disorder. Also, a great many people think that having this 'thing' means that they are unclean, and that is simply not the case. It's a disorder of the skin, it has nothing to do with your cleaniness and everything to do with an abnormality of the ducts, sweat glands and hair follicles blocking themselves off and causing infection issues.
   — Michelle R.

March 18, 2002
OH MY GOSH YES.. Good ol hydradenitis supperativa. I had several instances where they would not go away. I get them on my pubic area every once in a while . I used to get them in my arm pits... I had surgery to correct the problem. They removed both of my arm pits and removed all of the glands that were infected, I no longer grow hair under my armpits, except for a tiny patch under one arm pit. I was out of work for 3 months due to the severity of the surgery, I also got yeast infections in my arm pits which prohibited healing. It was extremely painful and a terrible terrible surgery, imagine having 9 inch gashes which are left OPEN to heal from the inside out as to abvoid abscesses. I was on antibiotics for 5 months, it messed up my female cycle and I was in severe pain for about 7 months. The procedure is called Pollacks or Pollocks or Pollox Procedure, its where they excise the skin in the arm pits. I dont recommend having this done unless you have sever cases of these growths, like several a month... I am not able to wear deoderant anymore (clogs the poors) and I dont have to use it anymore because the skin with all the sweat glands were removed. I use HIBICLENSE to clean my pits, every day and it works wonders. (DO NOT USE ON DEEP BOILS THAT HAVE BURST, YOU COULD BECOME VERY ILL FROM THIS STUFF) YOU can get it at your local drug store and it is about 10.00 a bottle it is concentrated so you need to dilute it to 4 parts water 1 part hibiclens... email me if you have questions, I am the expert.. eeew [email protected]
   — Kim S.

January 27, 2003
I am using my Fiances name to post this message. He is preparing for surgery. But he sent this page to me because I too suffer from this wonderful thing they call hydradenitis supperativa. I started getting these lovely boils in my groin area when I was 16 one over a period of 6-8 months so it didn't really bother me to much, but when I turned 19 and got pregnant with my first son I started to see more of them, still nothing to get to worked up over but as time went on I started noticing more and more of them. When I got pregnant for my third son, that was the breaking point of my body I think because my breast formed a boil on the upper side that filled with the breast milk that I was storing for my new born, sad isn't it, could even brest feed, but It formed a hole so large that as of today 7 years later I get them like a cup of coffee in the morning. I am a clean person, shower with antibacterial soap and I don't think I am too overly over weight so I know that isn't it, but I do notice I get more of them around menses time of the month and also when it is very hot. I feel for all of you who say you cannot where shorts or tank tops because I do go through that as well, no shorts , no tank tops, no dresses that are sleevless. I get them in my armpits, groin and under the breasts.It becomes an emotion struggle as well as a physical one. I have always dreamt of wearing a spagetti strap dress when Shawn and I get married but that will never happen unless I wear a jacket to cover the scars. But I thank god each and every day that I have a wonderful man like Shawn in my life to stand by me even with all the ugly scars. I always make jokes about the scars , say if we ever get bored we could just get a pen and play connect the dots with them . lol but as saying goes, beaty is only skin deep. It is what lies on the inside that counts. So all of you hang in there and email me if you want to talk. Susan
   — Shawn Boarts

October 18, 2003
I, too, suffer from the dreadded boils! As does my sister. We are both obese. I have a surgery date of 10/31/03! YAY...but as for the boils..try "Tea Tree" oil mixed with Vitamin E oil. It is also known as "Mala Lucca" oil. Cover the boil with a gauze pad and the mixture. Keep covered and re-apply the mixture every day. It might take as long as a week to work, but IT DOES WORK! The boil will clear up very nicely. If the boil has already broken, you have a better chance of the mixture working faster, as it can penetrate easier. The "Tea Tree" oil does have an ""unusual"" smell, but you get used to it. Anything is better than the boils!! Good Luck to all!
   — auntiej82

January 22, 2004
I suffer from boils also. Ask your PCP about anti-biotics, they help me alot. The groin area takes a while to heal because the sores constantly rub against other skin, clothing, etc. I am hoping that after surgery mine will go away or at least not act up as often. I have them under my arms, my breasts, in the waist area and the groin area. Here are some things I found that help. 1. Use an electric shaver. I have found that using it prevents skin aggravation and reduces flare ups. If you buy a good one, I use Remington for Sensitive Skin, you won't get a baby bottom shave, but you can get a real close shave. I have to keep mine on the medium setting to avoid aggravation. 2. Use antibacterial soap. This will kill any bacteria in the area that may get into the sores. A lot of body washes are now coming in anti-bacterial and moisturizing. Try Dial. It comes in a lot of good scents. 3. Try to avoid using pads during that time of the month, especially ones with wings. The material is rougher on the skin and will cause flare ups. I usually only wear them in the evening or when I'm not going to be doing alot of walking. 4. This one sounds really odd but it works. Use diaper rash cream. It protects the skin from wetness which makes it more tender. This is really helpful during that time of the month if you choose to wear pads and when it's hot. 5. Lastly, watch your clothing. If it's too loose or too tight, your skin will rub and get aggravated. Loose cottons that ride up or thick seam lines can cause flare ups. I imagine this would be hardest for post-ops because of the rapid weight loss, but there's always # 1-4! I hope this helps anyone who suffers from boils. I have about 30 so I understand your pain.
   — Diana S.

June 20, 2008
please have your doctor test for MRSA.
   — ren7400

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