have anyone try to eat popcorn yet my surg 11/18/09

   — tyania5666 (posted on February 8, 2010)

February 8, 2010
I am 10 weeks post op, and last week my husband made popcorn for the first time since my surgery. I sucked on pieces, BUT I DID NOT DARE SWALLOW ANY. I discreetly spit out the pieces into a cup. I think I wanted the salt more than anything. Even at almost 3 months, I would NOT eat and swallow any. I just don't want to take a chance of causing any problems or discomfort.
   — dasie

February 8, 2010
Everyone does their own thing--what works for you works for you. My surgeon told me to stay away from it (and pretzels), b/c while they were well tolerated post-surgery, he considered them empty calories and I needed to make every calorie count (ie, protein, not simple carbs). Just my experience--may not be yours:}
   — maryjo68

February 8, 2010
i just had m surgery on feb1,2010 && I have been craving popcorn && it sucks my dad always makes it && we have like the huge popcorn machine the ones from the theatres oh my gosh he made some last night for the superbowl it smells deliciouss!!! && then we have pickles here at home!!! suckksss!! all i can say is do what your stomach can toterate i feel like im not eating anything cause i get nauseated with everything even water i dont know what to dooo!
   — samanthajo

February 8, 2010
Mary Jo's reply is right on the money. I had my surgery Aug 13th, and I do not eat popcorn, my Dr told me it is a NO NO! I try to eat complex carbs,I am pretty much at goal, M/B 5 more lbs. I can't tolerate most protein, so I supplement with shakes.
   — FSUMom

February 8, 2010
I am almost 3 years out, and i still can't eat popcorn, nor can i tolerate any carbonated beverages.I stick with water, crystal light and diet snapples.
   — Darlene G.

February 8, 2010
I ate popcorn within two months. I managed a store where we made it everyday. I told my surgeon and asked him if it was okay. He said it was as my bloodwork and my weight loss was right on target. I am almost five years out and still eat popcorn.
   — VeeVonne

February 8, 2010
You can eat popcorn but the question seems to be should you. It is really not a good choice.
   — trible

February 9, 2010
Lol funny you should mention this question because i just had some popcorn as i was reading lol. Bottom line is you should do everything in moderation and be careful in other words if you feel like having some popcorn than try some popcorn if you think you can control yourself. I eat a little bit of popcorn or pretzels every once in a while but only started doing so after about 9 or 10 months out. I would say try a little bit and if it doesn't make you feel like crap than be smart about it. Make sure you are not sabotaging yourself and practice self control because as i am sure you feel you did not go through this procedure only to have some stupid craving ruin it for you on the other hand only you know your body and sometimes you just need certain things to be happy and to deny yourself would be counter-productive
   — JaVin70

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