Type 2 inscillin dependent diabetic wondering when sugars will go low enough to stop

taking medication. My numbers have significantly decreased but are still in the low 200's in the morning and can go up to 200 in the afternoon.    — cookwithme (posted on September 25, 2009)

September 25, 2009
A normal blood sugar is between 70 - 110. You should not quite taking your medication until your physician tells you that it is ok!
   — mland

September 25, 2009
Each individual is different. My change was immediate. The night before my WLS was the last time I took oral meds and insulin. Please follow your diet plan and take your meds until your doctor says it is no longer needed.
   — mamapeaches05

September 25, 2009
According to what my endocrinologist has told me -- the answer may be NEVER. It depends how long you were on insulin and how much you were taking. In March of this year before my surgery I was taking about 230 units per day via insulin pump. Since then I have lost 100 pounds and have about 15-20 to go to reach my goal. I am still taking 20-25 units per day via my pump. I am hopeful that one day I may be off insulin totally but I have faced the reality that this may not happen. Bariatric surgeons tell diabetics that the surgery will get them off insulin (as my did) but I think that is what they are hopeful for, not what necessarily happens. Whether I stay on a small amount of insulin or not is not that important, I think an A1c of 6 or under is what's important. Here's wishing you all the best. Bob
   — rkurquhart

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