do i have to be unhealthy to have the RNY surgery done?

because for what i heard is have to be a nesesity but my unly problem is that i am 228 pounds and i dont have any problem beside that can someone help me?    — luijess (posted on February 17, 2009)

February 17, 2009
Jessica, some insurance companies will not cover your procedure if you BMI is under a certain number. In some cases, if your BMI is under the required number, you may get approved if you have co-morbidities. You'll need to check with your insurance company and find out what their requirements are. If you are a self-pay patient, check with the surgeon of your choice.
   — Brandy H.

February 17, 2009
I can tell you that I wasn't unhealthy. I was also 228. My insurance required that I was at a 40 BMI or had some health problems. Like cholesterol, breathing (asthma, etc.), arthritis, or high blood pressure. I had to meet the 40 BMI, I had the surgery done last Tuesday. So good luck, check with your insurance company and see what they require, you never know till you ask. Good Luck.
   — lpn_1992

February 17, 2009
Well you are not healthy or you wouldn't need to loose weight, you just are not showing symptoms yet. Long term obesity leads to arithritis, joint disorders, predisposes you to heart attack's etc. But yes usually you have to be a bmi of 40 or bmi of 38 with co-morbids etc.
   — Nurse343

February 18, 2009
Hi Jessica. I had surgery 12/3/08. I had no health issues at all besides being over weight. My insurance aproved me with no problems. They said that they would rather you have the surgery and prevent all the problems that you could have later. Good Luck -KIM
   — Kim Brown

February 18, 2009
I am also 228 lbs with no medical issues and am having surgery on 3-5-09 Being obese is a medical condition because you can almost garantee you I'll have health issues in the future most insurance will pay if your bmi is over 40 because it will cause them less in the long run. So good luck. I didn't think the would approve me and they did on the first try. I am only 4ft 7 in and both of my parents died from obesity so don't think twice take care of your health while you still can. You can do this!!!!
   — tamica D.

February 18, 2009
jessica, I can tell you that I wasn't unhealthy but had a high bmi. My doctor told me if your bmi is over a certain number then the procedure can be done, if not then certain health problems had to exist at the same time. good luck
   — vonage vinvon

February 18, 2009
Jessica I can't say my health is in good shape, but I too was 228 when I started. My BMI was 47 I'm just starting to lose I have lost 9 pounds of my 10% . I was worried about the same thing. I don't take medications I just have a body mass of 47, but that right there can lead to many medical problems.I did finfd out I was a boarder line diebetic.So knowing that I went a head and got started. Don't give up you are so worth it. Theresa
   — treeeza

February 18, 2009
Though you may have no problems that you know of other than excess weight, a thorough examination might reveal a co-morbidity or two.
   — lorannw

February 18, 2009
I had a BMI in the morbidly obese category, I had no problems with high blood pressure or diabetes or anything like that but did find out while going through my neccesary tests prior to surgery that I had severe sleep apnea. I have a form of rheumatoid arthritis but that wasn't used as a reason I need RNY. I had my surgery in July 2008 and my insurance company(Tricare) approved me within 2 days of my Dr submitting my paperwork. Good Luck!!!!
   — im3d2

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