Does anyone get "charlie horses" leg cramps?

No matter how much water I drink or how much excercise I do I get these (charlie horses)!    — sexxyshat (posted on February 16, 2009)

February 16, 2009
You are most likely lacking in a critical mineral. I suspect it is probably potasium, but you will not be able to know without blood work. Have your blood tested for the basic minerals, and see a physician about your Charlie horses. Once you get your chemical or mineral imbalance remedied, you are likely to find that this problem will go away. I am speaking from experience with this. Bot my father and I suffered from this, and eating BANANAS was the cure. Potatoes were also a good way to get potasium, but BANANAS were one of the best. I cannot say how this will work with the Gastric Bypass, however. I have had the VSG, and I eat a banana every day to avoid this problem. I hope this helps. Hugh
   — hubarlow

February 16, 2009
I have had similar problems and it was low potasium. Blood work will tell but you can try eating a banana in the evenigns. I like to use it in a smoothie. This should help.
   — trible

February 16, 2009
I had the same problem, so when I work out I take a potassium and a magnesium pill after.
   — Shirley D.

February 16, 2009
The other folks are right, it could be potassium. But I think it could also be calcium. Either way, you probably need to have some labs drawn.
   — GlitterGal

February 16, 2009
for me it is a low magnesium not potassium.Go get some blood work done.Potassium needs a RX to be effective and magnesium you can get over the counter
   — Bette Drecktrah

February 16, 2009
I get charlie horse and I am chronically low magnesium, not potassium although both are electrolytes...I chew my calcium citrate WITH magnesium and it takes the charlie horses away immediately...Some nights it is so bad, I feel like my thighs are in a vice grip and when I am very low magnesium even my face and arms and ankles with contract in excruciating pain. I have to stay on top of taking magnesium and take at least 800 mg a day 400 in my calcium citrate and 400 magnesium citrate capsules as well. If you are having any loose stools or diareah at all, it's a sure sign you are losing electrolyes...and that could be both or either potasium or magnesium...Best to get labs and ask for both tests...Then you can treat it when it happens IMMEDIATELY! Good luck...I've had problems with magnesium for all five years post op...
   — .Anita R.

February 16, 2009
Another question is are you exercising? Even walking can cause it. The low magnesium is correct. I agree with all the other posters here-have labs drawn and have them check for the minerals present in your blood. Even trace minerals such as copper too. Also have them check a lactic acid level if it is too high it can be the cause of charlie horses too. Anyway, I would definitely go to the doc and have labs drawn. Its always important to know whats going on and where you are. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

February 16, 2009
Hi I get these also especially stretching my feet out during the night, I had labs nothing negative showed up doc said all is good, I take a patassium pill every now and again even when I start to get these and they go away, Talk with your PC Doc The potassium pills work great and the bannana so so, I can not eat to much of these at one time, best Of Luck
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 16, 2009
Could also be low vitamin D. Get your labs done and the doctor will decide on how to procede. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

February 16, 2009
   — deb44m

February 16, 2009
I get them regularly, I found that Calcet (yellow bottle) from wal mart works I get them at night in bed. The potasium did not help. I find them worse during that time of the month... Hope this helps. Michele
   — msgief

February 17, 2009
I had this problem, too, and after analyzing my blood work my doctor concluded that I needed more salt (my potassium, etc was fine).
   — therese H.

February 17, 2009
Potassium and sodium need to balance each other out. Other good sources of potassium are brocolli and spinach if you are able to eat these. I haven't had surgery yet but am on blood pressure meds with diuretic and I have to whatch my potassium very close. I don't get a RX I go to GNC to get my potassium supplement and it works well. There are other foods rich in potassium and magnesium which I'm sure you can find online since after surgery supplements can be hard to digest. Hope you find the right solution because I know the cramps are painful and no fun at all. God Bless.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

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