why are my teeth going bad ....gettting brittle like ?

i am 3 yrs 10 months out of surgery and for the last yr or 18 months my teeth has been getting worse.....more brittle like ......why my dentist says cause chew hard candy which i don't like hard candy....any help?    — feb072005 (posted on January 18, 2009)

January 18, 2009
I'd suggest making sure you get in 1800mg of calcium citrate, increase your D and C for better calcium absorption. I just had a dental check up. One broken crown, and two older filings needed repairs. But no new cavities at all in the past 18 months. I had RNY some 32 months ago. Dental problems can occur if you don't keep up with your supplements or you fail to have somewhat regular dental check ups. Hopefully you've had regular labs as a follow up routine from surgery. If not, have labs done and see what your D or calcim show. I've increased my D too in the past 6 months. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

January 18, 2009
It really sounds like a calcium deficiency to me, I'm surprised your dentist didn't have a better suggestion for you or be able to diagnose the problem. If he couldn't, he should have referred you to someone who could. I would recommend an appointment with your surgeon/pcp for some labwork asap. Teeth are precious. Did your dentist know that you had WLS? You don't chew ice do you? Sometimes that can cause problems with teeth as well. Please get this checked out asap. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

January 18, 2009
Sounds like a Vit D deficiency...and without Vit D, you cannot absorb calcium! SO...go get labs before you lose all your teeth and start breaking bones! Vit D deficiency is a little known epidemic in the USA right now...If you are not taking calcium citrate with Vit D3 GET SOME and take it until you can see a doc and learn HOW much you might need to supplement in addition to a daily dose...You need to be taking calcium Citrate with D3 at least 2-4 times a day even WITHOUT problems!
   — .Anita R.

January 19, 2009
In my first dental visit post-op, my dentist suggested I start using a mineral replacement mouth wash, such as ACT Restorative, to help prevent dental issues. She said she has seen patients with beautiful teeth pre-op end up with cracked teeth and exposed roots post-op.
   — gonnadoit

January 19, 2009
Hi, have a question for you brush twice a day, especially along the gum line to remove all the bacteria, also flossing at least once a day between all your teeth will remove all the bacteria harboring in between. The bacteria produces an acid that is very powerful and with time can errode the enamel on the teeth and cause cavities faster. Also there are some toothpaste out on the market that have agents to help stregnthen the teeth. You might want to ask your dentist about enamel pro or MI paste which is very good. Also check your vitamin intake...lack of vit. D, A, and C can cause teeth to break down. Best wishes Farmgirl58
   — Farmgirl58

January 19, 2009
Sounds like calcium deficiency. If it is drink some nonfat or better yet SoyMilk. Perhaps take calcium citrate tablets of 1800mg strength. Check with the docs; you don't state your age but if you're older it could be osteoarthritis and if you're younger make sure you aren't pregnant. Just some suggestions. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

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