female age 66 bmi37 wants surgery what are hindrances

have reasonably controlled asthma,copd,gallbladder removed    — angilfires (posted on January 8, 2009)

January 8, 2009
I was 60; BMI 41, has some asthma but not COPD although smoked for forty years. I did fine except swelled up with fluid that caused extended time in hospital. Asthma is gone now! Have lost 67 pounds need to lose about 50 or 60 more. I am pleased. Added years to my life in my opinion.
   — nofrogs29

January 8, 2009
You have some conditions that would concern most surgeons but if they are under control may not be a problem. Your gall bladder already having been removed may be a blessing for you. You don't say how bad your copd is or if you smoke. That is what the docs would probably focus on. All the other factors are being addressed and if you only have some weight you need to lose. You didn't mention your current weight. They would consider all that as well as working with the insurance company if they are involved. Normally they are unless you are paying cash for your surgery. Try some docs and see if they will evaluate you for surgery. Let us know what they say; looking good is not only for the young; contrary to what society says. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN age 54
   — vinnigirl

January 8, 2009
You are only 3 years older than me. I had all the exact same conditions you mention. My COPD and Asthma were under control. My weight was 307. I was still quite an active person. I had laproscopic RNY in Grand Rapids, MI with Dr. Paul Kemmeter, and came through with flying colors. Not one side effect. Got sick a few times from eating too fast but have been so blessed with success. I have lost 76 pounds. My surgery was on August 23, 2008. Hope this helps and I wish you great success!
   — katiecakes

January 9, 2009
most docs and insurance companies want you to be 100 lbs over and a bmi of at least 40...sometimes 35 if you have any comorbitities.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 11, 2009
add hi bld pressure, hiatal hernia,controlled manic/depression, controlled anxiety, insomnia, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral vascular disease, recovered slight stroke. YOYO dieter. some of above due to having been born fat, raised fat, hidden self inside fat, want release???
   — tordum

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