Need information on the verticle sleeve procedure

Has anyone had this procedure? How is it different from the other options?    — ribucan (posted on November 9, 2008)

November 9, 2008
Anna, Hi, I am going to have this procedure. I've had all my testing and I am now doing my 6 month diet history. The vertical sleeve is done by making a lone vertical tube, like a banana. They take out about 75 to 80 % of your stomach. They do not have to re-route any of the intestines. There is not as much dumping symdrome with the sleeve. You do not loose your vitiamns and minterals. I have very low potassium and this is why I am going for the sleeve. There are advantages and disadvantages with all of them. I just know the lap band is not for me. I hope this helps answer your questions.
   — Teresa B.

November 9, 2008
I am about 2 months post lap sleeve. It was a good choice for me. Most of what you need to know about the sleeve is available here on this website (go to: "home" > "learn" > "weight loss surgery" and scroll down to #2 - "vertical sleeve gastrectomy"). Good luck and all the best to you!
   — zimra

November 9, 2008
If you are referring to the gastric sleeve or also called a sleeve gastrectomy(I have not heard it called a vertical sleeve), it is a restricted procedure that does indeed remove approximately 75% of your stomach forming a narrow "tube" for food. There is no rerouting of your intestines. It originally was a phased procedure - the first phase of either a duodenal switch or a gastric bypass. It has just recently been approved by the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery as a procedure on its own, and these numbers can count toward outcome numbers for Center of Excellence. I do not know the data regarding average weight loss percentages. That should be coming in the near future, since more of these are being performed now. I agree with the recommendations you were given to continue researching and checking different sites for information. Good luck on your journey! Zola
   — ZLander

November 9, 2008
I have had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and have had great results in the first 6 months! I have lost 105 pounds in the first 6 months with the sleeve. Basically, the doctors just remove about 80% of your stomach. That is all there is to the procedure. Unlike the rest of the procedures, there is no rerouting of the intestines or placing foreign objects inside your body that your body might reject. This is the SAFEST weight loss procedure available. If you want to learn MORE about ALL of the weight loss options currently available, check out my profile page ( and look for my blog post called "Surgical Comparisons." Use the information found there as a foundation for your OWN research. It is important for you to research your options for yourself. You cannot rely on other people to give you the straight information. Everyone has their OWN bias in this business. Some of us are emotionally attached to OUR particular type of surgery. Some of the DOCTORS have a FINANCIAL bias toward one surgery or another. You need to find out which surgical option is going to be best FOR YOU!
   — hubarlow

November 9, 2008 shows the different procedures
   — ap2008324

November 9, 2008
For me personally, (I can not speak for other people), RNY Gastric Bypass was best. The reason is, Vertical Sleeve does not restrict what you can eat. It restricts the amount/quantity, but not which foods you can eat, so, potentially, you could eat ice cream and cream pies pretty easily, as they would go through the sleeve pretty easily........ For me, I had a HUGE addiction to sweets/sugar/carbs and I NEEDED the "Dumping Syndrome" that comes with RNY Gastric Bypass as a TOOL to control myself and stop myself from eating truck loads of ice cream and cheese cake and chocolate. Now that I have had RNY I can not eat those foods because if I do I get extremely nauseated and light-headed. This is a GOOD thing. It would be like an alcoholic having a surgery that made him/her nauseated and light-headed if they drank alcohol! I could NOT control my eating, no matter how hard I tried for over 20 years. RNY Gastric Bypass controls it for me. Vertical Sleeve would have just made it to easy to cheat - at least for me. I do not want to be able to "eat anything," thanks. I really don't. That was the problem I had with my first weight loss surgery, back in 1995 - I had Stomach Stapling. It was the same problem - I could still eat sweet, sugary foods and drink as much regular (sugared) Pepsi and Coke as I wanted, because the Stomach Stapling only restricted bulky foods like bread, pasta, meat, vegetables. It did not stop me from eating ice cream, chocolate candy, cake, and sugary sodas. Lap-Band ALSO doesn't do enough to stop someone from drinking milk-shakes and eating ice cream and soft sweets. If someone does not have an addiction to sugary foods, they will probably do well with Vertical Sleeve, but if they love stuff like that, or soft mushy stuff like mashed potatoes and gravy, they might want to consider RNY Gastric Bypass. Just my opinion....
   — Gina S.

November 9, 2008
I had the gastric sleeve on 9/5/2008, and Have lost 40 lbs since surgery plus 15 lbs on the 2 week pre-op diet. What the others have said is true - if you are one that drinks a lot of milkshakes or loves ice cream and other semi-liquid sweets, or even eats a lot of sugar, then it might be best to have the bypass as that makes you quite ill when you eat sugar and that quickly discourages you from eating it again - at least in the near future : ) - with any of the surgeries, however, you have to change your eating habits for life - the question is, can you do it with restriction alone or do you need the added assist of the dumping to discourage you. I did not want to go the route of the intestinal bypass, and the sleeve was right for me. I am very happy with my decision. You should go to the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Forum (go to Forums tab, and then click on Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy), then go to message board and ask away. Everyone on this forum is great - very positive - but yes, we tend to be a little biased about how great this surgery is. They will, however, be able to answer your questions.
   — Wendy M.

November 10, 2008
Hi Anna. I had the sleeve done on March 31. As of today I have lost 102 lbs. I am about 20 lbs from goal. The time has flown by. I absolutely would not have believed it if someone had told me, 7 months ago, that I would be over 100 lbs less today. Even after all my research. You can not wrap your mind around it. The sleeve is an awesome procedure. It give lots of restriction, but you should not have long term health issues that seem to be popping up all the time with the bypass. It is not high maintenance like the band. Think about the rest of your life and how you want to live it when you make your choice. The VSG is showing itself to be just as successful as the bypass in weight loss. Being able to eat much less was what I needed. I simply CAN NOT eat much food but if, at some point, I need to take certain medications, I still can. Go to the VSG (Vertical sleeve Gastrectomy) forum on OH and post as many questions as you want. You will get tons of input and support. Good luck!
   — corky1057

November 10, 2008
Ii had vertical sleeve two weeks ago. I am doing great. It was super easy. I have had virtually no pain and combined with my pre-op diet whcih was only a week, I have lost 26 lbs.
   — cathy8105

November 10, 2008
Hi Anna, I had the Vertical Sleeve on June 23rd this year. I chose this procedure for several reasons. I am a nurse and have had several patients that have come to me after having the rny procedure with crohns and osteoporosis. I prefered having a procedure that was purely "restrictive" and not "malabsortive". Nothing is "rerouted" and the valve at the bottom of the stomach is still intact. Mind you I had more than my share of complications with this procedure but have to say I would do it again in a heart beat. I have lost 60 lbs to day and still counting. You lose weight a little bit slower with this procedure than with the rny but if you stick with it...I think I will still get the same benefits. I am off my blood pressure meds and feeling great. I am smaller than I have been in 20 years and its not coming back! Its a great procedure if you don't mind not being able to eat more than 3-4 bits and being full the rest of your life. Good luck Anna!
   — hollierenee

November 10, 2008
I also had VSG surgery on June 23, 2008. I've lost 117 lbs so far. I havn't had any complications, except for an infection that was taken care of by a couple of rounds of antibiotics. My cousin just had the VSG done two weeks ago, because she saw how well I have done. Ask your surgeon to explain the different procedures, and ask him which one he would reccommend that you have, and then way all of your options. Good Luck. May God Bless You Abundantly, Kathie
   — KathieV

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