does anyone chronic anemia before sugery?dont know why iron is low? ran all kindstes

get monthly iron numders stay at 8-20    — tle789456 (posted on December 18, 2007)

December 18, 2007
Hi. I had unbelievable swelling before surgery within seven days of surgery my lower legs looked like they were someone else's. Completely foreign to me... I missed those legs! The swelling dropped so quickly, it was amazing. I've not had any problem with low iron though. Good luck to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

December 20, 2007
You are PRE-op now? I was terribly iron anemic all my life before WLS. And about a year after, then we found an iron that worked and presto, we have not "fine" but fabulous iron levels now. We've not had to have shots or infusions. Might be a matter of experiementing around with oral irons, knowing how to take them and having a doc who will test often til you find one that works.
   — vitalady

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