I need to lose...

I am having my surgery this Friday, I have been on a liquid diet for a week now and don't see on the scale that i have lost any. Does anyone have any ideas on how to lose at least 5lbs before Friday. I don't know what else to do. I hope you can help, thanks!    — missyheffelfinger (posted on March 5, 2007)

March 4, 2007
Why do you have to lose 5 lbs by Friday? If you are already scheduled for surgery, why would they care?
   — jlw0423

March 4, 2007
Why do you have to lose 5 lbs by Friday? If you are already scheduled for surgery, why would they care?
   — jlw0423

March 4, 2007
The idea is to shrink the liver somewhat so that when they do the surgery they won't do any damage to the liver by moving it around. Have faith and exercise a lot.
   — Virginia M.

March 4, 2007
We also have to do a liquid diet before surgery only it's 2 weeks not just 1. The idea is yes, to help shrink the liver, but also to show that you are indeed wanting to lose weight by sticking to a "diet." What are you drinking for your liquids? I would contact your nutritionist and talk to her about it. Good luck!
   — crystalsno

March 5, 2007
First, many studies indicate that the ability to stick to a short-term pre-operative diet is not indicative of post-operative success (particularly because how we experience hunger changes so significantly after surgery). Secondly, an individual can shrink the liver, and make it more supple, by avoiding fats and alcohol for 1-2 weeks before surgery.
   — SteveColarossi

March 5, 2007
Missy.... stick to your liquid diet and drink lots of water. The liquid diet should, obviously, not be milkshakes, etc. You can supplement meals with the replacements.. I would stick with the Atkins brand, EAS, etc (canned) or the high protein, low carb powders that you can mix with either water or NF milk. The ensure, boost, slimfast, etc are very high in their sugar content. You should not be taking in any fat or next to nothing at this time. You will still have the surgery if you don't lose the 5lbs, so relax.. It IS important to try and make the liver a little more supple and shrink it slightly, but to tell you the truth, 5lbs isn't going to shrink the liver that much. The majority of the weight that you are going to lose in 1 wk is going to be water weight. They just don't want you gorging yourself before the surgery. Think about this as training for your liquid only post op period, because you will only be able to take sips post op.... good luck... hugs, Kari K
   — Kari_K

March 6, 2007
Missy, you sound like anxiety is getting the best of you. You have to breath and take it easy for a minute. It is Tuesday today, and you need to stay OFF the scale. If you stick to the liquid diet as planned and perscribed by your doctor, you can say you did everything they said and did not deviate. That is success in itself. If you go to the scale, the anxiety can get a hold of you, and when you have a little of this or that and fall prey to your anxiety, you make youself fail on all points. Don't worry about the 5 pounds. Stay off the scale, drink a lot of water, no soda or caffine, and take a brisk walk every day, clear your head. Take a piece of paper, make a list of things you need to do, and then get them done one at a time. I am A Christian, so for me, reading my Bible and praying were a big part of keeping anxiety in check. Knowing that God was in control of my surgeon and my surgery. Knowing that I was His child and in His care and that His Words in the Bible are true and reliable. These things gave me peace. I know that if something had happened to me in surgery that I would be in His hands. He created the world, and I knew He would care for me. Missy, if you don't have this peace and would like to know more about Jesus Christ, just ask, and I will be glad to share with you about Him. I hope you will breathe and work on the true success of doing just what you are supposed to, your liquid diet. The results can't be guaranteed, only the faithfulness of the dieter. So be faithful, breathe, make your lists, and then I think you will get the results you desire. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 6, 2007
The purpose of the special diet 1 week prior to your surgery is to prepare you for the surgery, not to lose more weight. If you lose some more weight in the process, that's good too but don't worry about if you think that's not happening.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 6, 2007
Hello. My surgeon put me on a liquid diet prior to surgery, it was not to lose any amount of pounds but to shrink any swelling in the liver that had built up due to those last minute meals that you know may never happen again. I did not think that I was losing that week but I weighed the morning of surgery and had lost 7 lbs. Don't give up, I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles and it got to where I was not hungry that week just the habit of eating was still there. Good luck and God Bless you, Paula
   — pbonetti

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