What should i bring to the hospital?

I see a lot of this question asked but they are all so old...just wanted an up to date answer...thanks!    — naynay972 (posted on June 12, 2006)

June 12, 2006
I packed: 2 nightgowns (button-up at the top so I could step in them; I had a central line in; the IV was in my neck!), two books, medicine I knew I would be able to take after surgery, toiletries (toothbrush/paste, hairbrush, contact lens case, lotion, chapstick, etc.) and slippers. ...I think that's it... I brought two books too but didn't look at either one! I was either sleeping, eating (ahem, "drinking") or walking so I didn't have time for the books. I was actually told not to bring the nightgowns but I did anyway...I hate those stupid hospital gowns with your butt showing! They suggested a robe. I know it doesn't sound like a very exciting list. Maybe some other posters will have some better ideas! :) Best of wishes on your upcoming operation!
   — platypus

June 12, 2006
Also hon , you might like to take a compact CD player or casset.It helps.I'm also taking my own pillow for my tummy. The hospital pillows are not soft. My sister made mine.I personly like the hospital gowns WITH a house coat. When your in bed they are roomy.I'v had 49 surgerys and all of the above and these made it comfy.
   — Thelma S.

June 12, 2006
In addition to the above also bring something comfortable to wear home. I wore a large roomy outfit to the hospital that I could wear home since I was only in it for a short period of time. Like the 1st post I brought stuff to read and the 2nd post the CD player which the doctor said I could listen up up until I was put out for surgery but after that all I did was drink,walk and sleep baby sleep. I was a nocturnal walker, nurses wwere constantly in the room during the day and once they were done at night is when I slept and since it wasn't home I set goals of one, two, and three laps by then I was exhausted and slept until they started prodding me in the morning. I couldn't even watch TV due to the morphine. I would rather bring it and not need it, then need it and pay an arm and a leg for it. I had slippers on the list and of course forgot them and had to pay $5.00 for hosptial stockings, ugh, left them right on the counter and out the door I went. I also brought baby all in one soap which I could use as a body wash/shampoo combo and it rinsed away clean with no slippery feeling. Good Luck and remember it is only a few days of inconvience.
   — 1968 Loser

June 12, 2006
I brought comfort stuff. All my toiletries (mouthwash), cell phone, a hand held game of yahtzee, oversized underwear (like a size bigger than I was wearing at the time), feminine products, clothes I could easily put on when I left; clothes I could pull over and up, skid free socks, a robe, a book, and a great attitude because believe it or not, the nurses may get a little annoying. I hope this helps. Good luck. If you have any other questions or just want to talk, feel free to email me at [email protected].
   — tonifrisina

June 13, 2006
Just wanted to add one thing...I'm pre-op but I'm sure I'm going to need a fan. A lot of hospitals won't let you bring electric appliances (blowdryers, radios, fans, etc) because of the liability (if it shorts out and causes a fire for ex.). So I found a battery powered fan on Ebay for about $20 - 25.00 (they have cheaper but I wanted power!!!!). I'm a hotty so it's a given I'll need cooling down!! Good luck with all your preparations! Sue
   — lovey063

June 13, 2006
You want an answer that isnt old. Dont take anything. They will provide whatever you need right there at the hospital. I only took the clothes on my back. They even provided me with slippers. Everyone talks about taking Cd player, games, blah blah blah, but the truth is you are only going to sleep and walk while in the hospital. Before you know it the whole hospital trip is going to be a blur and you will wonder why you even worried about what to take. Good luck. Make sure the person who is picking you up brings a pillow for your stomach. You are going to need it.
   — Jennifer Nice

June 13, 2006
i wouldn't bring anything the hosp. will have like bath stuff! i did take linen spray in my favorite favorite pillow case, mag w/ pics couldn't concentrate enough to read! oooh noise machine by conair for 12 dollars mask hosp noise! you will be fine!
   — vickig

June 13, 2006
Actually, I have one question. Why do you need a pillow for your tummy?
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 13, 2006
The pillow is to hold against your tummy mostly for the ride home in the car. Helps alot with the bumps and dips in the road. Also in the hospital, it just feels good to have your own pillow. If I had to do over again, and could only bring one thing, it would be my fan. I got a small one at the drugstore and it was wonderful. I checked with the hospital first (at pre-op class) and they said it was fine. Everything I in my suitcase, (except toothbrush) was NEVER used. Good luck!
   — Debbie M.

June 18, 2006
I'll tell you what I USED... Everything else I didn't use because what the hospital had was easier to get in and out of. pillow facial wipes toothbrush/toothpaste brush/comb magazines/book
   — SJP

June 18, 2006
earplugs would have been nice. hospitals are NOISY!
   — SJP

June 23, 2006
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the wonderful answers... I did use my personal items, my sister brought me a much needed battery operated fan!!! Never wore the nightgown or robe, but did use my slippers! You all are so awesome...thanks for being such a wonderful family!!!!!!!!!!!
   — naynay972

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