does a consultation with the surgeon mean that he agrees with the surgery?

   — hartnell (posted on February 7, 2006)

February 7, 2006
Agrees with the surgery? Do you mean that he agrees that YOU should have surgery? If so, that is something that he/she should discuss with you at your appointment.
   — RebeccaP

February 7, 2006
No. It means you are consulting with a surgeon for information on the surgery and the surgeon will discuss with you the prerequesites for the surgery and offer his advice. Not everyone is cut out for this. (no pun intended) and the surgeon will determine if you are a viable candidate for the surgery based on many factors. The surgeon's approval is not the same as the insurance company's approval. I hope this helped.
   — LauraA

February 12, 2006
That is what the consultation is for - to see if you qualify for and could be helped by the surgery.
   — Novashannon

February 19, 2006
no it means that you have an appt to talk and discuss the surgery with the dr . he will decide if he thinks you will be a good candidate for the surgery
   — losingit

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