Will my low thyroid and slightly high liver levels postpone surgery?

I had pre op labs done and my thyroid came back a low and my liver levels are up 3 from normal. I had normal labs back in Sept and my thyroid meds I couldn't get for awhile but I have the meds now. The liver levels; not sure why they are up. I had a gall bladder ultrasound and that is fine. Will the Dr. postpone the surgery because of this? I am scheduled Jan 3, 2006. I am on my thyroid meds now. Please if anyone has had experience with this I would love to hear the outcome. Thank you, Kristy Pre Op, Scheduled Jan 3, 2006 RNY    — Kristy (posted on December 21, 2005)

December 21, 2005
Hi Kristy, congrats... I am also scheduled for my RNY (laproscopic) on the 18th of January. As far as the liver panels go, I can't say but my thyroid levels have been recently diagnosed as being off (with me it was the TSH level) but that has not affected my surgery date at all. It is probably a very individual thing from Dr. to Dr. I am having mine done by Dr. Kieran at Scottsdale Bariatric and she didn't say anything about it affecting my surgery date. Since you are concerned about it, I would very strongly recommend that you do talk to your surgeon and get a definitive answer. They are usually happy to answer any pro-op questions that come up. If nothing else, it would put your mind at ease. Good luck and please keep us posted. Mary-Margaret
   — Mary-Margaret

December 21, 2005
I had the smae problem with my thyroid before surgery. I was still able to have it. Usually a 3 point difference isn't a big deal with the liver tests, it's when they get super high that it becomes an issue ( like over 200 ).
   — lisacote

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