Is any having problems eating and retaining food after 1yr post-op?

I am still having difficulty eating food. No matter what I eat it ends up coming back up.    — jgwilson-harris (posted on November 28, 2005)

November 28, 2005
Hi, well, if I were you, I would get an endoscopy to rule out any kind of blockage. Then maybe analyze your eating habits. Are you eating slow, small bites and chewing very well?
   — shoutjoy

November 28, 2005
I had the same thing. I went into the hospitel and had a test done where they looked down into my tummy. Found the hole that your food exits your tummy was to small. They opened the hole and I am so much better ask your Dr. about it
   — bntfive

November 28, 2005
You may have a structure. When I was 6 to 8 weeks out I had two structures. I could not keep food down and some fluids.
   — lavonya25

November 28, 2005
Ask your surgeon to check for a stricture. This is when the stoma scars down so the opening is too narrow for food to pass through. The procedure is called an endoscopy and if they find a stricture, they can stretch it to allow the food to pass. It's a simple procedure. I had it and it was a piece of cake :)
   — mom2jtx3

November 29, 2005
I find that I still, at a year out, have trouble with many foods. I just eat the few things I can. See if there is any pattern to what you eat.
   — Novashannon

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