What tests are done before surgery?

okay I'm scheduled for surgery Sept.20th and i go for pre addmission test next week what do these test invole and are they painful and waht are the checking for?    — TRACY D. (posted on September 8, 2001)

September 8, 2001
Most surgeons will have you get an ultra-sound of your stomach. You may have to see a psychologist as for many of us, food is an addiction. My surgeon had me get an EKG and see a sleep apnea specialist. I know of other drs that had people get an upper-G.I. done. You may have to see a nutriotionist for a pre-surgery diet and a post-surgery diet. Good luck.
   — Brian G.

September 8, 2001
My surgeon took 5 vials of blood and showed my how to do the spirometer because I have asthma and sleep apnea. Thats it. Oh! I did have a gallbladder test a couple of weeks before because I was complaining of pain. But that is all I had to do.
   — K T.

September 8, 2001
My surgeon requires many tests. They include: upper GI, chest x-rays, blood work. abdominal ultrasund (to check spleen, gaull bladder,etc.), EKG, ultrasound of the heart and legs to determine possibility of blood clots. I am sure every surgeon has his preference of tests, and your health will also determine tests. (ie. diabetics will need aditional tests) Hope this helps.
   — skymaxjr

September 8, 2001
My doctor did a Ekg, Blood gasses(did not hurt like I had been told) urinalisis, and blood pressure. this was done one day before my surgery.
   — Vanessa C.

September 9, 2001
First I will calm you down by telling you the testing is not painful....I went for and Endoscopy (which they calm you down and you dont know what is going on :-)), Ekg, blood work and a chest x-ray and of course mental health clearance. The little bit of discomfort was worth it all to finally be in control of my life and lose weight. I wish you all the best ,,,,Melissa
   — Melissa S.

September 10, 2001
I just have to get bloodwork, a gall bladder ultrasound and chest x-ray. But depending on what comorbidities you have and how large you are you might have to get more. In general the larger you are the more tests you will have to go through, as surgery is much more risky on a larger person so they want to be absolutely sure there will be no complications.
   — [Anonymous]

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