has anyone ever died from a tummy tuck

   — TRACY D. (posted on July 12, 2001)

July 12, 2001
There are the same percentage of risks with TT as with any surgery..maybe a little more if you're having liposuction at the same time.. Although I agree with Barb, when you have this done usually you're in a lot better shape from losing all that weight.. Your health is generally better... The TT surgery if combined with abdominal wall strengthening and hernia repairs is a surgery not to take lightly it's a major surgery.. I'm quite sure there has been deaths from it, although personally I don't know of any .. That might be a question for your surgeon.. I asked mine as well the same question, and he said he had not lost any he has read of cases.. You might do some net searches and find some statistics.
   — Victoria B.

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