
   — KevinHill (posted on June 6, 2011)

June 6, 2011
   — Jovanna P.

June 6, 2011
I am 21 months out too, and I am not too hungry either. However, I can't still eat a lot of protein which is perplexing to me. I am happy I am not hungry, because I do not want to gain weight. I think my BMI is 21.5.
   — FSUMom

June 6, 2011
I had an rny about 20 months ago. When I get hungry, 98% of the time is head hunger, not actual hunger. My bmi is 26 simply because I have 15-20 lbs of excess skin that is going to be removed. Otherwise my bmi would be 24 (I started at 327 and am currently at 147 with excess skin). What makes it worse is that I'm just about 5'1".
   — Kathleen W.

June 6, 2011
It's a perk, and one I still enjoy. At 3+ years out, I still do not have hunger pangs. I also have had my gall bladder out, (in the first year) which reduced the acid in my pouch. When we travel, my husband will be famished. I can wait. I do get a headache if I go too long, but as far as hunger in the tummy... Nope! I have not felt that hunger feeling since December 11, 2007! Like I say, It's a perk. Some of the Doctors said it might return, but it didn't. I don't miss it. Just be sure to get in your protein and fluids and you'll be okay!! Good luck, and congrats on being such a great success!!
   — lesleigh07

June 6, 2011
I am 8 months out from RNY and have lost nearly 90 pounds. While I do occasionally get hunger pain it is usually because I have waited too long to eat and even then it is rare. I have the same problem about forgetting to eat, I solve this by keeping a stop watch with an alarm in my pocket which I set to go off every 3 hours so that I remember to eat something. Good luck.
   — kittymama03

June 7, 2011
I had my surgery Aug 10, 2009. I NEVER feel hungry either. Which is great. I was constantly hungry before the surgery. That is probably why I could never loose the weight. I always had hunger headaches. Now I don't get headache or hunger pains. I have to remind myself to eat at times. If I get busy, I could totally forget about food. Where food ruled my life before. I would not change anything now. It is much nicer not worrying about my next meal. My doctor even wants me to eat more fatty foods to gain weight. I started at 310lbs and now I am 120lbs. With excess sink. I am happy where I am at, just wish I could get ride of the excess skin. I also just moved to the Sarasota Fl area. I am interested in meet or making new friends if any one lives in my area!!! I just hope that the hunger pain never comes back!!!
   — Lauren M.

June 7, 2011
I also have never had hungar. I am now down to 119 and wear boys pants and small shirts, that is down form a 52 inch waste and XXXL shirts with the buttons busting open. I feel great. I have had a bowel problem with tmen getting twisted and had two surgeries within a month, but I will take that. I am back working full time and love it. It's great to collect social security, military retirement and work full time.
   — Jim Christian

June 14, 2011
I will be 18 months post RNY on the 23rd and I don't get hungry either. I am still having a horrible time getting in my proteins (or anything else for that matter). I rarely get all 70 grams in daily (yeah, I know, I know). I'm so glad to hear that I'm not abnormal! I completely forget to eat and I keep getting harped on by all these people that I'm switching to anorexia. I swear I'm not intentionally skipping meals, but they don't believe me! I started out at 291 and am now down to 145.5 (literally 1/2 of my former self). Haven't figured out my BMI recently. Oh, and I'm 5'9". Congrats to all of us on our great successes! Kristin
   — taylork25

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