Acne. any one have better acne or worse with WLS ?

I do take a prescription pill and had try lots of things for acne since my 3rd child never had it has a teen wish i did then and not now. Hope when i have WLS it will clear up. My doctor wasn't sure.    — ---tina--- (posted on January 6, 2010)

January 6, 2010
I am 53 and had the RNY in April. I have had more acne in the last 10 months than I had through my entire teenage years. I guess it is due to all the hormones being tied up in the fat and losing the weight so quickly causes it to be released in mass causing the acne. That is the only thing I can figure.
   — Kathy Thomas

January 6, 2010
Tina I had acne as a teen and as an adult (I am now 47 years old). Right after my RNY I did notice an increase but it only lasted a few months and then went back to my usual amount. I've never heard of WLS clearing up acne but I guess it would depend on what causes it...if it's eating the wrong foods, hygene, not drinking enough water, or overactive oil glands.
   — Caribou ME

January 7, 2010
I don't know if this will help you but It is worth a try. My son had really bad cold sores and acne when he was a young teen. Nothig seemed to work. The pills nor the creams nor washing astringants ect... But one doctor told him to wash his face with a clear soap like Neutrogena or Pears.(NEVER, EVER USE A DEODERANT SOAP ON YOUR FACE) Then to make a paste of bread yeast and vineger. Make a mask of it leave it on until it dries to touch then rince with cool water. Within 3 days it was all gone. Now as an adult he might get the odd pimple and he wll make just enough to just cover the affected area and it is gone in 1-2 days. The docror said when washing the face, to use only warm water to open the pores never hot and then cold to rince to close the pores. He also said to use lemon juice as an astringant. And NEVER use creams on the face use Vitamin E oil only. I hope this works for you. It is very cost effective and natural way to go. By the way my son has never had another cold sore since he did this treatment. He will make the yeast and vinegar mixture and put it on the spot where it starts to itch/ tingle before the cold sore blister starts to form. Hint if you have an open cold sore you can make the mixtrue and leave it on while you sleep but don't cover it up ever!The yeast will attack the virus and the bacteria and the vinigar dries it out thus promoting quick healing Pam
   — OntarioSilk

January 7, 2010
Rapid weight loss can do crazy things to your hormones. I was a year out from RNY in October and for several months my skin was terrible, then great, then terrible again. Now that my loss has slowed down it's pretty much back to normal. Most of the time it's actually better than it was before surgery. I imagine all the water and vitamins help some there. So don't worry too much, just wait it out.
   — snickersblk

January 7, 2010
Hi Tina Im glad you asked that question bcs my acne has been worse since I had the surgery in July 09. I have always had acne as a teenager and and adult but it has gotten worse since the surgery. I dont know if that has anything to do with it. I'm looking for an answer also.
   — DonnaRo

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