8 months post op VSG and having hart burn?

I know I have a small Hyantial (SP?) Hernia but my surgeon felt it was not necessary to fix. I am once again having hart burn after 8 months of not having any. Why?    — chell1957 (posted on June 21, 2009)

June 21, 2009
I'm 3+ months out from VSG and had my hernia repaired during surgery. I did not have heartburn before surgery, but started having it soon after. My surgeon put me on a medication (Pantoprazole) for it and I have no more problems. My lap-band veteran friend says she expects she will have to be on heartburn meds indefinately since she is 2 yrs out and still needs it. I can't tell you why heartburn occurs, but I can tell you that there are meds that work well. Just ask your surgeon or GP. Not into meds? My chiropractor says there are natural remedies for excess stomach acid. Do not, though, let it remain untreated. Not only does it make you miserable, like any acid in the wrong place,it can actually do damage.
   — jtoothman

June 21, 2009
Thank you for the information. I was on this as well and have not needed it once the weight started to came off. I was concerned sine its been so long since it happened. I have been using Tums and the like.
   — chell1957

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