Isopure no carb protein powder

I just purchased 3 flavors of isopure no carb (choclate, vanilla, and cookies cream) from vitamin for about 30 bucks each. My question is has anyone tried any of them and how did you handle it (horrible taste, okay, worked well, anything)?    — uNiQuE, iTs wHaT i Am! (posted on April 27, 2009)

April 27, 2009
Hi i have the isopure vanilla. First of all it never made me sick, which was a plus. I couldn't stand the taste but really didn't want to waste the powder. What i do is make 2 shakes a day. 1 in the morn and 1 at night. In each shake I use 1 scoop of Isopure w/6oz of skim milk and 4 tbls of Best Food International Decaffinated/No sugar Suisse Mocha Coffee powder. Tastes like a coffe drink and makes the taste tolerable. I'm not sure how the other ones taste. Hope this helps. Good luck
   — alojah82

April 28, 2009
I love the ISOPure dutch chocolate. It tastes great with skim milk or soy milk; I didn't like it with water. I did not have any problem with tolerating it. I've also tried it in smoothies - today I had the chocolate powder with skim milk, plain yogurt, and ice. It was great! I didn't like the vanilla that much, and I have never tried the cookies and cream. In the future, you might want to go to where you can buy samples of different protein powders(different brands and different flavors) before you make a big investment. It saved me a whole lot of money.
   — ads2e

April 28, 2009
I use all three of the flavors mentioned above. I prefer the chocolate. I mix all of mine with 6 oz water but from time to time make a fruit smoothie with Stevia for sweetness and a dash of Vanilla extract. I always add ice to chill. Luke warm doesn't cut it. Find the one you like.
   — mrsbobvilla

April 29, 2009
Forgot to add, try mixing the vanilla with crystal light.
   — mrsbobvilla

April 30, 2009
I use the Zero Carb Isopure in Creamy Vanilla almost exclusively for my protein drinks. I also have the Dutch Chocolate but don't like it as much (did I just say I didn't like something that is chocolate flavored? I must be dead!); it was just too strong so I will sometimes mix a little of it with the vanilla. The vanilla is okay. Not something I'd order anywhere but it doesn't make me gag or anything. I crush about a cup of ice in the blender then add 1/2 cup of skim milk and then 2 scoops of the creamy vanilla and blend. It's breakfast for me and I've had one of these shakes almost every single day since surgery 9 months ago. I also keep on hand the Isopure flavored waters; they remind me of Crystal Light. Bon appetit!
   — dnefews

April 30, 2009
Just joined today and loving this site so far. I am 5 pounds away from meeting the requirement for surgery. Have not tried this yet but a friend who is 5 years out has a great recipe. He used the vanilla and then used 4 ounces of diet orange soda and ice. He mixed it in the blender an and the bubbles are gone for the soda and he says it tastes like a orange slush. Getting all the stuff to try it this weekend! Just wanted to share.
   — elder1104

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