anyone out there had the gastric sleeve? any feedback welcome.

fearful of RNY had mind made up for lap band but since attending wls support goups and web info success rate appears higher with gastric bypass.    — beanita (posted on March 23, 2009)

March 23, 2009
I had the sleeve done July 22, 08, doctor suggested for me and I am so glad I did, have had no complications, and have lost 95 pounds. I am 52 years old. My neice is 30 and she had the sleeve done Oct. 29 08 and has lost 92 pounds, but the difference between her and I, is I only need to lose 107 pounds total, she on the other hand has to lose approx. 155 pounds. we are both doing very well, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 23, 2009
I'm having my sleeve done on April 13, 2009. I have looked at surgery for 9 years. My surgeon was very concerned about doing a bypass because of my high BMI, 65. Like you I was fearful of the full bypass, and I am really excited about my up comming surgery. Go out to the Gastric Sleeve section of this web site, you will find many people who have had great sucess with the sleeve.
   — conmarie

March 23, 2009
I had my sleeve done one 3/17/2009. I choose the sleeve because there seems to be less problems after with it. And the success rate is on par with the other types. No injections, no dumping, etc.. were the deciding factors for me. Of course it is not reversible! However, I have not heard on person say that they really wished they had their old stomach back! If it helps take a week or so to make columns on a paper and write the pros and cons of each. Once you are satisfied that all questions have been answered you will be able to choose. The more informed you are in the beginning, the better off you will be long term.
   — dawney1011

March 23, 2009
RNY patients lose weight much faster. However, they usually gain some weight back after their body stabilizes. Banded patients lose weight slower, more like a real diet. The banded patients can "cheat" easier, because they wont get dumping syndrome if they eat a carb loaded food or sugar. So, if you don't have any will power at all, then you should consider the RNY, or if you have a very large amount of weight to lose. Studies have shown that if you compare a banded patient to a RNY patient 5 years after the surgery, they both have comparable outcomes. The RNY patient loses faster, gains a little back, where as the banded patient has slow steady weight loss. There is more risk of malnutrition with the rny, as your body doesn't absorb nutrients like it used to, since you are bypassing the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. The rny surgery also has more risks of complications, requires a lengthier stay in the hospital, and a longer recovery. However, you cannot have the band usually if you have reflux disease, ulcers or diabetes. Most surgeons want to perform rny if you have diabetes. You just need to weigh all your options, and no one can decide but you. I struggled with this decision, also. Ask your loved ones what they think. My surgeon would not sway me or help me with my decision. My psychologist tried to sway me towards rny, as she had had it done. I work in the medical profession and talked to many of my peers who knew me and knew the surgeries. All of them thought the band was the best decision for me. I eventually chose the band for a number of reasons: 1. less time off work, 2. less risk of complications, 3. i have less than 100 pounds to lose and only have mild hypertension and high cholesterol as my comorbidities, 4. I have lost large amounts of weight in the past without a surgery, so feel that I have the will power it will take with the band, and hope to use the band to keep my from yoyoing, 5. After choosing the band, my surgeon told me that if I didn't lose all the weight, that I would qualify for a rny, because it would be considered a band failure. He also made mention of the fact that with a band, you could still have an egd if you ever needed one, but couldn't with the rny. He also mentioned that if you don't lose weight with the rny, then there is really no where else to go, but with the band, if you don't lose, there is always the option of rny. I hope all of this long winded ramble helps will just need to do some soul searching of your own. I chose band at the beginning, then had a come to Jesus meeting with myself and seriously considered rny, then made a final decision of band. Good luck. My thoughts are with you.
   — westwalker

March 24, 2009
hi beanita, i had the gastric sleeve done on 2/12/09 and my 17 yr old daughter had the RNY on the same day. I had the sleeve because i have had too many pelvic surgeries and had many adhesions to have the RNY safely. I felt great after the surgery with a little pain where the drain set on the inside. My daughter had a harded time right after hers. if you want the reality of them both you can email me directly at [email protected] Gail D
   — 2bethin62

March 24, 2009
I was going to get the lap band but changed my mind and went with the sleeve. I am so very glad I did. I do not want my stomach re-routed and I don't have any forgein objects in side me. No big problems. did it in Nov and I'm down 58 pounds. good luck in your decision. Linda W
   — Linda C.

March 25, 2009
I just had the Sleeve 3/12. My surgeon had just returned from a WL conference when he recommended it to me over the band. (Starting weight 469). He said the stats coming in on the Sleeve are very good...rapid weight loss, much lower risk of complications than even the band, plus no fills. The weight loss is comparable to RNY or GBypass, with no malabsorbtion issues or dumping.
   — jtoothman

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