full body heat rash

I had RNY aug 13th 2008. I am covered in a heat rash that is driving me nuts. I itch all over. when I work out I get hot and feel like ants are crawling all over me. Part of my job is to be in a pool 2 days a week (I have done this for many years) but now when I am in the pool it really make me itch. I checked to see if the chemicals have changed but they have not. Could it be from the hormones from the weight loss?? has anyone had this happen? Family doctor said I need a steroid injection but not willing to do it because It could slow healing. Am I not healed after 3 months? I don't see bariatric Dr. for 3 more weeks. any suggestions?? thanks all    — tracybutterfield (posted on November 3, 2008)

November 3, 2008
Call your surgeon's office and ask them. I know you go back in 3 weeks but it sure wouldn't hurt to call and ask. You should be healed enough for a steroid injections but call surgeon, that is why he got the big bucks. Diane
   — dyates2948

November 3, 2008
I have never seen an all over body heat rash. I usually see it in warm, moist crevaces and cracks- the last place you'd want one like under your pannus or breasts. Having an all over rash- I dont know.... sounds more like an allergic reaction to something. You saw your PCP and his plan is a steroid injection but not now so as not to slow healing. Slow healing of what? You could get a referral to a dermatologist (my best guess) or try to get in to your surgeon asap. They know best. Best of luck, Dawn Vickers
   — DawnVic

November 3, 2008
Hi , I also had a rash and hives all over my body. I went to the dr. & was seen by a few specialists. I went through many allergy tests, blood tests, and food test but they couldnt find the reason for the rash/hives. it lasted about 8-9 months then just went away on its own. it will happen now but not as bad the only thing we could associate it with was fish oils, so now i do not eat salmon or any fish with high amounts of oil. I do eat seafood including haddock, cod. I also stopped using the omega 3 fish oil pills. best of luck. We changed our whole body with WLS and i think its a shock to our system to get back to the new normal for us..... before WLS i ate Salmon and fish 4 days a week with no problem. kinda makes you think .......what the heck are are bodies doing ? Best of luck Barbara
   — babs810

November 3, 2008
I experienced a rash (not full body) over many areas of my body not normally prone to the heat rash about a mth after my surgery that lasted for a mth or so. Finally it went away on it's own, but it was very irritating. I contributed it to the anethesia and hormone changes from a rapid weight loss in the first mth. Dr didn't have any answers for me either. Hope it gets better soon. Blessings.
   — Kristi H.

November 4, 2008
Hi have you every had chicken pox? You may have shingles. I would definitly have it checked out. If it is shingles if left untreated it can cause lots of health problems.
   — VeraWalker

November 4, 2008
#1: CALL YOUR SURGEON! #2: It could be a reaction to one of the vitamins you're taking. I broke out when I took Centrium Silver for about 3 weeks... then it just went away. Someone on this site said it could be the niacin in the vitamin. You may be having a reation to it or one of the other vitamins...
   — pattschiele

November 8, 2008
I have seen some others post on here about a rash. I can not recall if they were all over body rashes or what but I do remember them saying some of the iron/vitamin supplements were the culpret. Its just a thought. Good luck and you will be in my prayers.
   — mother2mykids

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