
Can we take natural vitamins instead of the surgeons required childrens chewables? They seem to have more vitamins but I do want to be sure and not go backwards in my nutrition.    — RebeccaAlex (posted on May 16, 2008)

May 16, 2008
I don't know what you mean by natural vitamins, but doing research on vitamins, it appears that liquid vitamins are absorbed better than pills. So I chose liquids. The first brand I used cost $60 a month, and I used them for a few months, but found them to be pricey. I looked around some more, found another brand at $20 a month, and guess what? The lesser expesive ones are the ones I've used for the past 7 months, yet they have higher vitamin levels than the more expensive brand. They're mentioned on my profile page,and my lab results are in the end of my long story there. Lab results are from this past Tuesday, my 2 year labs, after 7 months of this liquid. Vitamin D is low normal, but that has been an issue that you'll note from reading my long story. These are as natural as you can get, no sugars, no calories, no carbs, safe for diabetics, and end up costing about $1 a day after UPS delivery fees. Price per bottle is reduced if friends go together and purchase mutliple bottles in one shipment--reducing the total cost per bottle some $5-7, depending on the number of bottles on the order. 4 bottles is about $101, costing under $26 for a month's worth per bottle.DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

May 16, 2008
Hello, I am still waiting to have a RNY and from everything I have read and researched "Children's Chewable Vitamins" are NOT reccomended for WLS patients... they are not potent enough. Get you some ADULT chewable multi vitamins, you need these! Sincerely, Gerry Smith
   — Gerry Smith

May 16, 2008
You can take really any vitamin you can swallow. Most surgeons suggest children's chewables or adult chewables early on so you don't have any problems with them getting stuck. After a few months, most people can swallow a normal sized capsule or tablet. Once I could, I take multi's from Costco, calcium citrate from Costco, and others I order off of All in pill form. I am 5 years out and the only thing I'm low in is vitamin D. Going to start upping that now. Keep an eye on your labs and you'll be fine.
   — Lori J.

May 16, 2008
Chewable or liquid is really the best for absorption...Swallowing a hard pill is not easily absorbed and not recommended at all by most surgeons for those reasons. I chew two adult Centrum every single day. I've used GNC liquid vits too. And other adult chewables. Many vitamins need stomach acid that RNYers no longer have enough of...Other vitamins are absorbed in the small instestines which are bypassed...Then yet, some vitamins are in oil form and we malabsorb fats and oils! FOR THESE REASONS, you need a water soluable multi-vitamin that is absorbed in the mouth with saliva enzymes and then in the pouch where it is already liquid and easier to absorb without the small intestines. Vitamins in pill form are barely broke down enough to absorb them and washed out of your pouch before they do any good for you. I personally use a vitamin that includes Vit K and preferably does not have iron as I prefer to take that separate from all my vitamins especially calcium. The two vits cancel each other out because they are absorbed at the same receptor and calcium defeats iron every time by binding to it. That is why there are a lot of iron and calcium/vit d deficiencies. Calcium should always be supplemented separate too since most multi vits in any form use calcium carbonate with we do not absorb...Calcium Citrate with a Dry form of Vitamin D3 and magnesium (so the calcium does not bind you) You cannot absorb calcium without D3. I learned this 4 years later after all my deficiences put my health in danger... Be careful of those "natural vitamin companies" they often are dosages not designed for WLS people with malabsorption. You need a good range of vits and minerals in your supplements. This is only my opinion from my own research and my experience with malabsorption problems that are all fixed!
   — .Anita R.

May 16, 2008
After the surgery, you will not be able to swallow the regular vitimuns, and if you have a RNY you will need something that works in seconds, as you will just pass them to the colen without much assistance. Childrens vitimuns don't work. Look at for a line of products that ar for baratric patients.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 16, 2008
You NEVER take children's chewables they will not work for Bariatric patients. My doctor has me taking Bariatric Chewable Multi Formula Vitamins. The best I have found are called Bariatric Advantage Chewable Multi Formula which are high in vitamins B-Complex, A, D, E, K and essential minerals. You also will need to take a Calcium Citrate. Both are made by the same company. They come in several different flavors, my favors are the, Cherry, Orange and the Tropical. Just do a google search for Bariatric Advantage and research what they have online. You will not go wrong with them. I swear by them.
   — Christopher Pruitt

May 16, 2008
I am 2 months post op with a lap band. I take Centrum Chewables for adults. They actually do not taste so bad. I also take Calcium (with vitamin D and K) simply because of the need for these important vitamins, (also recommended by my Doc). Jeri
   — JeriBrown

May 17, 2008
I use BuildingBlock vitamins, which are made for bariatric patients.
   — kathryn_ann

May 17, 2008
I don't quite comprehend such a surgeon's "REQUIREMENT". I propose to you that you consider to it to be a "recommendation" or a "suggestion". I've been taking about 40 WHOLE pills, tablets, etc. per day immediately AFTER RNY surgery (taken at a rate of about 15 three times over the span of my waking hours). Try taking a whole "natural" (as you call it) vitamin tablet or capsule. If it goes down well and stays there, then great. If it doews NOT go well, then I guess you'd better stick with the chewable form.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2008
Hi Rebecca. I am over 6 years post op and I was having trouble with the absoption of regular vitamins and ended up opting for an all natural vitamin. IT DID THE TRICK!!! I have never felt better. I went with Shaklee Vitalizer. You can get information at or contact me and I happy to chat with you about it.
   — Twanda S.

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