Why do I now feel I want to eat everything?

I am 5 months out. I have lost 77 pounds. I feel like I want to eat all day long, especially while I'm at work. What do I need to do? I dont want to gain the weight back.    — bridjala (posted on November 14, 2007)

November 14, 2007
I know what you mean. I am 4 years post op and my biggest problem is snacking at work because I am bored. I bring all my snacks/meals for the day. If I eat them all before noon then I have no more food the rest of the day. That is what I have to do to manage my food intake.
   — Carlyn M.

November 14, 2007
I know exactly how you feel. I am almost 5 months out and I play this constant head game too. Drinking my water helps with this. I really like the flavored waters and then if I get all of my water intake in and still feel like I need a treat, I will do a flavored coffee. I still struggle with this but I also know this surgery isn't a "magic Pill" and we have to constantly work on our self control. Writing also helps me. Best Wishes, Neisha
   — neisha =.

November 14, 2007
I am 6 months out today and recently I found that I was "Grazing" during the day especially at work. I started writing down what time I had eaten last and I have made a conscious decision that if it has been 3 - 4 hours than I don't eat, really tough but I am hoping that it is helping BREAK a bad habit of eating just because.
   — dslman57

November 14, 2007
I too am at 6 months out and am down 80lbs but am finding that I'm hungry all the time. I know I'm not getting my water in throughout the day and I try to make an effort however while at work its very hard to do. I have been at a stand still for a month now and need some help to get going. I have 20 more pounds I want to go and not sure what to do. HELP. Thanks,
   — Suzanne B.

November 14, 2007
Good question. I just went to the to the WLS therapist yesterday regarding this. I'm 4 months out and want to eat at night. I think it's boredom because the tool is working because I'm full. I'm just addicted to food and a habit I have to control. I laughed at the advice the therapist gave me...meditate, exercise, light a candle...ok...good advice...then what???? You're still hungry. The advice posted is just what you have to do. Not eat between meals. I have to adjust to that...or be fat. Luck to you!
   — pooch

November 14, 2007
I am 7 months out and have to deal with bad head hunger around my menstral cycles each month. Try to drink a protein drink, or a bunch of water. Sugar free hard candy to suck on will also help keep yr mouth busy. Are you drinking caffeine? If so, quit, caffeine boosts your hunger! Good luck, God bless and keep up the great work on the lbs lost!
   — crystalsno

November 14, 2007
Ok.., here we are trying again. I work 14 hour shifts and sit at a desk, so munching is hard not to do., I drink water with lemon and limes, cranberry juice, if I start to get hungry I take a restroom break, and just move, if that does not help, I take a spoon of peanut butter and it helps.. I am 4 months out, have lost 76 pounds. 7-11-07
   — babesintoyland

November 14, 2007
Im a lil ovr 5ys out what I do is try toeat atleast 6 times a day this includes snacks so I do not get as hungry I have lost 130pds and have maintained it if I do forget to eat b/c getting to busy I do get very hungry. Good luck to you
   — Beth67Mathis

November 15, 2007
I so know what you mean and I am only 3 months out. I up my fluid intake when that happens. and I also know that I didn't have enough protein the day before. So I up my protein too. Kind of weird, but it works for me. I think that its more of a brain "fart" not realizing that I can't do the food thing anymore. I can't have the old comfort foods.. But how comforting were they really when I had gotten so ill by them???? At least I'm healthier now. Hope that helps.. God bless you Paula
   — japaad

November 15, 2007
On days like that.. I water load! I drink water instead of snack... It seems to take away my sweet tooth and the munchies. If it doesn't..then I reach for protien.. but NO carbs or sugar.. They just seem to make it worse for me. -Shakeira
   — Hisdove

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