5 wks out and experiencing decrease in urine output

I'm five weeks out. For the last two weeks, I've noticed that I don't pee like I did before RNY. I may go 2 - 3 times a day now as opposed to 10 -12 times before surgery. Before I couldn't make it through the night without waking up to go. Over the weekend I went around noon and then not again until 8PM. Even then I didn't have an urge to go. Could I be dehydrating? Even when I drink liquids, I don't feel the need to go. Also, I haven't seen a change on the scales in the last 2 weeks and I'm only 5 weeks out. Should I call the doctor?    — CAROLEE FRUGE (posted on October 29, 2007)

October 29, 2007
If you are concerned I'd call your doctor. I had my RNY on Oct. 2nd. I don't pee as much anymore, but more then twice a day. I know it's harder to get the liquids down. I used to drink lots more, but not necessarily good liquids. Also I think the first few weeks there is a lot of water weight to get rid of, then it slows least it did for me. Is your urine light or dark yellow? Dark urine is a sign of dehydration I have heard. How are your labs? I would think they would be off if there was a problem, but not sure. Good luck. If you find out what it is let me know.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2007
Hey Girl, Your water intake probably is low, I go alot I always seem thirsty though, When you were in the hospital you were pumped full of I.V's and that will last a couple of day's Just try to keep up sipping away, The plateau can last a bit but the scale will move it happened to me it;s moving but slowly, You can do it Trust me I know that feeling ! You Can do it Sweetie Sabrina
   — sabrina S.

October 29, 2007
Sounds like you may be retaining water. Are you eating alot of high sodium foods? When you do go is the color normal. Is there any odor? This could indicate an infection. Good luck to ya!
   — lesleigh07

October 29, 2007
I too have experienced decreased urine outputs. It was really bad in the hospital, but once I was home it seemed to be okay. I drink plenty, at least 4-5 8oz. cups/day, working my way to 6-8. My surgery was just Oct. 17th, so I'm just barely 2 weeks out. I wondered too about not peeing as much. My urine is light yellow, no odor, and seems fine. I'm assuming it is.....but I find I use to die to go to the restroom, now I don't have to run to get there. I do get up earlier in the morning to go though, and I never did that before. I always go before bedtime too, it's strange. I suppose our bodies might just be getting use to the changes...things should figure themselves out soon. Just wanted to let you know I hear you....and I can relate. I don't feel dehydrated, I think I'd have a headache if I were, as that's how I knew before. So keep pushing fluids and keep track of it, color, odor, etc. Good luck. Hugs...>Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

October 29, 2007
If your primary beverages before surgery contained caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and soda, you will have urinated more frequently because caffeine is a diuretic. As long as you are getting in 60-80 ounces of water a day and your urine is clear, you are probably okay. As far as your weight loss, make sure you are feeding protein first and then smaller amounts of carbs and fat. Your doctor our nutritionist should have you given you a breakdown of the grams and percentages of each to set as goals. I faithfully log on to It is free and I can track everything from food, nutrition, goals, weight loss. Hey, and I am 3 years out and still use this valuable tool. Continued success.
   — SAChick

October 29, 2007
Hi - my experience is almost exactly the same as yours! I am also 5 weeks out, and am drinking MORE liquids (no caffeine) than I did preop and peeing less. Preop I only drank 1 cup of caffeinated tea per day so I don't think I was really diuresing from the tea. Also, the scale has stalled for me too. I am hanging in there (not that we have a choice!) and hoping things will improve. I don't really mind the not peeing thing, it's just weird. Drink drink drink and only go 2 x/ day.
   — Joyous

October 30, 2007
I also don't go very often. However, I am not getting all the liquids I need in. I'm trying but I get busy and forget. I only go maybe 2x per day. Just watch it. I know my urine is a darker color, which is not good. I'm working on that. I also went about a week and a hlaf and lost nothing. This was after I began to eat "reglar" food again. I am eating mostly protein, but have had some carbs. Then, bam I lost 3 lbs. I've been told this happens. If you want, you can knd of reboot your system. Go on a liquid diet for a day or so then back on the reg foods. SOme say this helps. Good luck!
   — juliebelle0402

October 30, 2007
Having to "go" a dozen times per day and then waking up at night to go again! THAT sounds like a problem to me. I had a similar scenario and I went to my doctor about it. He prescribed something to help and it works! Bariatric surgery can help diminish a number of related physical problems: type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Maybe controlling excessive trips to the pottie is one of the positive things that is happening for you. If you don't have other symptoms related to dehydration, I suggest that you turn your "complaint" into a "YEA!".
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 31, 2007
I am over 4 years post-RNY and there are still days when I don't feel the need to urinate. Believe me you do have to go, just sometimes the sensation which lets you know it's time to go isn't there. Other days it is like normal, and then other days I finally get the sensation just before it is too late. When I first noticed it after my surgery, I questioned the doctor, but he had no explanation. Hope this helps.
   — maggie1952

November 2, 2007
Are you drinking enough? Most post-op WLS people report being told to drink a certain amount each day... usually 64 oz. or more. If you are drinking enough, unless you are having diarrhea, vomitting or exercising strenuously in high heat (ie. sweating excessively), you probably are not dehydrated. If you were not urinating enough, your weight would most likely go up and you would see swelling, especially in your legs and feet. Most likely, you have gone from urinating a small amount several times a day, to urinating a large amount just a couple times of day. The color and smell of urine are usually a good indicator of hydration status. If your urine is dark with a strong smell, you need to drink more. As for contacting your doctor, you know your body much more than we do. If you are concerned, give the doc a call. They know you and your unique medical situation and can help you sort out what is and isn't normal. Best wishes.
   — mrsidknee

November 4, 2007
DRINK WATER DRINK WATER DRINK WATER DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
   — pjennjr

November 5, 2007
I too have had a decrease in urine. I am not drinking as much, so I have attributed it to that. However, I would like to know if anyone does think that is odd. I also didn't see the scale move on weeks 5 or 6, but I have since lost another 6 lbs. It will be 8 weeks on Wednesday, November 7th. I haven't been exercizing, but am starting curves today. I waited because I also had a hernia repaired along with my ryn. If you have any input, please feel free to email me. Lisa
   — lisa912

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