Has anyone had a revision from a rny back to your regular stomach.

   — vett36 (posted on October 4, 2007)

October 4, 2007
Question is, why would you WANT to? Unless for some reason, the rny is making you sick, or killing u etc etc. I tried to get more info from your profile, but it's blank. I had rny a little over 6 months ago, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! Good luck and God bless!
   — crystalsno

October 4, 2007
I suppose anything's possible, but if anything's supposed to be permanent it's the RNY from what we've been taught, because the stomach is actually cut apart after its been stapled or sutured. Can I ask why you're asking? Did you lose your weight so now want it reversed -that would be a huge mistake. Are you having problems with the diet?
   — obeseforever

October 4, 2007
I think RNY is if you haven't had wls and want it you should consider lapband although for most people it's not as effective...I am so glad I had RNY, should have done it years ago, and I pray every day for my pouch to stay the same size!
   — Sheri A.

October 4, 2007
The reason why I ask this question is , since I had the surgery which was Sept 11. I have been very depressed to the point where I have though about taking my own life. I wish I have never done this surgery. I dont know if it will get better or not but, I cant take it at all not being able to eat or even drink water to keep up with my fluid intake . So if anyone have some advise I would love to have it.
   — vett36

October 4, 2007
You should go see a doctor and try to get on some anti-depressants, also you should think about counseling. Many of us were obese because we used food as comfort when something was wrong. Now that you cannot eat what you used to you have to find another way to deal with any life issues. I have had my ups and downs, however my ups far out weigh my downs. I take an anti-depressant and have since about 6 months out. I see no shame in it at all, as some individuals just need it. I take wellbutrin 3 times a day, have tried zoloft and paxil and another one. I didn't want to resort to the 3 times a day but the wellbutrin has had less side affects with me compared to the others. Please go talk to someone. You deserve to be happy and I promise that finding other ways to deal with every day issues will help you achieve happiness.
   — *Malena* M.

October 4, 2007
I promise it will get better! We are so used to turning to food no matter what we feel and now it no longer is available for comfort. I am now 6 months out and i can eat, more than i think i should. Please get some help, God has given us life and it is not for us to take it away. Just be patient and put your trust in God!
   — angel4

October 4, 2007
I will be 13 tomorrow and one of my worst nightmares is that somehow, my former anatomy would return and I woul ba able to eat without limitation. Scares me to death! I eat normal food now, just avoid milk and sugar. And I drink at a fairly normal pace. I just don't guzzle, but CAN if I am parched & empty. I guess I don't see what I'm missing, except having my chair leg break and throw me head first into a sliding glass door, or even just having armed chairs stick to my butt when I stand up, or maybe it's not being able to find ay clothes big enough. Back in 1994, I had the biggest I could find. I know some ppl go thru a depression, which I think is from the anesthesia, some at 4 days, some at 4 weeks (fit?), some at 4 months. But it never lasts very long. Just think of it as chemical, but your brain is looking for something you can understand to hang the bad feelings on. We had 4 weeks of clear liquids, but I had nausea from the anesthesia, so I didn't CARE! LOL I've had many surgeries since (feet, arm, non-WLS) and anesthesia always train-wrecks me for awhile. To answer your question, I know of 2-3 ppl who have had their surgeries reversed completely. All were for nutritional deficiencies (and I might add) that they did not have to have, had they supplemented properly. They were 5+ yrs out. I don't know of an ethical doctor who would perform another surgery (unless life threatening) for post-anesthesia depression.
   — vitalady

October 4, 2007
Dang, I would want to kill myself if I ever got fat again!! I am 8+ months pregnant and have gained 39 pounds and I want to SCREAM, and worry every day if I will shed the weight again. But I know I need to eat for the baby (actually I get sick if I don't, so there is no choice). So I would never want to undo my surgery! It was the greatest gift I was ever given. And my husband had it and feels the exact same way. And he has gained a few pounds from me being pregnant and we have vowed to be more restrictive after I have this baby. Please give your surgery some time. It hasn't even been a month--believe me you will be able to eat/drink pretty normally in a while. It took me almost a year to even eat almost anything, and almost 2 years before I could get all the fluids in. I loved the new me though, and would take whatever consequences that came along with me having surgery. It will get better, I promise!!!!

October 4, 2007
Head to your nearest psychiatrist for counseling now! You should have already seen one to get a psych eval prior to your surgery and to have been cleared for this surgery. It has been a pre requisit for rny for a while now. It does get better though, that I know for a fact. We have to fight head hunger every day for the rest of our lives, but I'm willing to do that if it means I won't gain my weight back! Most don't realize this surgery is just a TOOL, not a fix all. You have to WORK at losing weight, eating right, eating the right foods, exercising, and fighting head hunger for the rest of your life! Not an easy road by any means as we've been doing all that stuff completely wrong most of our lives. That's why they call this a life changing surgery. Right now I am resisting the urge to run out and get a bacon, cheese and tomato biscuit! I am going to go to my pantry and get some Kashi cereal I had the other day though and tell my head hunger to shut up! does get easier to fight every single day though. Please hang in there kiddo and run, don't walk to your nearest psychiatrist and don't be ashamed to go and see him! Some of us NEED this afterwards. Also check for support groups in your area. I am sure there is someone close to you that has gone through this and will be a Godsend to your life and help out a great deal! Good luck, God bless and please keep us posted! Welcome to the losing side and a new thinner you!
   — crystalsno

October 5, 2007
The eating and drinking part will get better as the surgery heals. If you physically unable to eat or drink (as opposed to not eating or drinking because of your treatment plan), then you have something wrong and need to see you surgeon. I suggest making an appointment with your surgeon to discuss these issues. S/he can also refer you to a counselor or therapist who knows how to help make this transition easier. I don't know if RNY is reversible, but your surgeon would know. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

October 5, 2007
Please see your surgeon or PCP. When you are losing weight fast your hormones go wild. Estrogen binds to fat and is released when you are losing the fat. All these extra hormones can have a massive impact on the rest of you. About 1 mos after my RNY I was a weeping, crying mess. I was fortunate that this didn't last more than a month. PLEASE talk to someone and see if there isn't something you can take to help you through this. Also if you were previously on psych. meds the may not be working with your current body chemistry. You're not alone and you can do this! If you need someone to just talk to email me and I would be more than happy to arrange a phone call or something. Take care-Heather
   — tazthewiz23

October 5, 2007
Reversal's are possible. When a RNY is performed they create the pouch but leave the "left over" stomach intact, it still drains bile, etc. So...yes it is possible. I dont know anyone who's had it done, but it is possible if necessary. I hope you are ok :o) ~Tomi
   — Tomi D.

October 5, 2007
Please, please call your Dr right away and let him/her know how you're feeling. Hormones DO go crazy--- I remember the first month being SO hard--- but it DOES get better, I promise! I hope you're ok! Let us all know please!!
   — airbear762000

October 6, 2007
Yes, I do know someone who had a reversal. She was having severe pain after a gallbladder removal. After a year of that, her surgeon reversed her RnY. I really don't know how she is doing now.
   — KRWaters

October 6, 2007
Although reversals are possible no surgeon will do one till your at least 6 months out. Your body is still healing from major surgery some discomfort is to be expected. Do call your surgeon ASAP! Beyond that concentrate on liquids, dehydration early on is way worse than low rotein! My surgeon always says that!! Do know it WILL get better! Now call your surgeon or if too bad go to the ER and tell them how you are ffeeling! Early post op depression / tough times is very common but the good news is those folks tend to do wonderfully!
   — bob-haller

October 9, 2007
Yvette, I have fibromyalgia and usually take 2 antidepressants for help. I have been off my meds for 2 wks, and I cry at everything. I want to tell you first, I am proud you asked the question. I have been embarrassed to talk about it. I was cleared today to restart my preop meds. I am hoping it will help. But I have read that even without other medical probs, just having the anesthesia and surgery can cause depression. I started opening all my blinds. Trying to sit outside when possible.. and talk to your dr. I feel like he can give you something to get you over the hump! Just don't look back. The future will be better, that is why God put our eyes in the front of our head. You didn't make a mistake in your decision.. you are just experiencing a little bump in the road! Good luck, and God bless!
   — Terrijean

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