Has anyone felt tired alot after their surgery, i will be 3yrs out and i am tired alo

I do take all my meds that were to take. I do have vertigo andi am unable to walk alot and excercise like I want to what can I do?    — hopalongfroggie (posted on April 18, 2007)

April 18, 2007
have you checked your calcium levels this is a indication of low calcium according to my dr.
   — vanprestie

April 18, 2007
I haven't had it checked as far as i can remember. I do take 2 calcium a day one in the morning and one at night when i go to bed.
   — hopalongfroggie

April 18, 2007
Cheryl... there are several things that can cause the fatigue that you are experiencing.... You say that you take all of your vitamins, what do you take? Do you take a minimum of 1200mg of calcium in divided doses daily with food? Do you take iron supplements? Do you take your Vitamin B12? You could try 3 sublingual ones weekly for a couple of months... it is a water soluable vitamin so whatever you don't use, you will urinate out. Do you take a couple of chewable vitamins daily? When was the last time that you had your FULL panel of bloodwork done? meaning CBC, electrolytes, ferritin, total iron, TIBC, etc....... ? Hope this helps... there is also a book that I saw, but I haven't gone and purchased yet, when I was researching some sites that is called "What Can I Eat?.. A Guide to Nutrition After Gastric Bypass" by Arlene Swantko, RD. I am going to the local B&N to check it out... hope that helps too....
   — Kari_K

April 18, 2007
As others have said, have you had a full set of labs done and do you have them in your hand? Full set should be 10-12 tubes and result in 4-5 pages? If you were not taking iron (not ferrous sulfate) since surgery or taking your sublingual B12 on a spotty basis, that is a good place to looks. Out of balance Calcium and vit D can also make you feel sluggish. We need several thousand units of both, though most program don't include that much til we're in trouble. There are so many things that could be very low or even "on the low side" that can make you feel bad.
   — vitalady

April 18, 2007
Thank u everyone u all r very sweet people. I take 2 iron w/{ferrous Sulfate 325(5 gr) }as i had mentioned,2 chewable vitamins w/complete--19 vitsminerils-- also I take 2 --600mg of calsium spring valley natural Dr. Mc Kane told me that i didnot need to take anymore B12 There are time i do take these w/food and w/out food,does that make any differec?.
   — hopalongfroggie

April 18, 2007
I'm sory I forgot to mention that i realy don't recall the last time i had this procudure done. I also forgot to mention that i am fighting a bad case of depreesion and anxiety,and phobias. I am seeing a counselor at this time and i started in October. I am unable to work because of these illnesses, But i know That God is in comtrol and he will help u and me if we let him. I emtionaly and spiritualy had to hit rock bottom before i saw taht i rrealy needed help. I am not abe to say any more than what is already mentioned. AGAIN THANK ALL OF U FOR UR VERY NEEDED SUPPORT. Cheryl
   — hopalongfroggie

April 19, 2007
Hi Cheryl, and thanks for writing. Honey you need to see your surgeon and perhaps your PCM for a workup. Check out all that bloodwork, and do a little on line research. You said take all your meds? Do you take vitamins and calcium? Perhaps you are low on something, when was the last checkup? I am also 3 years out, and I would say that I don't have a lot of extra energy. Some days I feel like I do, but most I don't. If you can't walk, there are probably 50 different things you can do to exercise, bike, treadmill, stepper, water exercise. There are things you can do. You sound more discouraged than unable, so find a support group, buy a book and get a haircut or your nails done, get encouraged and step up to something new! But add to your list seeing your surgeon and doctor. You need a workup and some medical advice. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

April 19, 2007
If you have not seen your PCP or surgeon lately, you should. There are medical problems that can cause or contribute to depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Malnutrition, thyroid, anemia, abnormal hormone levels... if all of that checks out, my guess would be that its depression related. Most people who experience depression have physical symptoms in addition to the obvious mood disruption. If you are not on medication for the anxiety and depression, you may want to consider it. If you are on medication for it, you may need an adjustment. My PCP started me on an anti-depressant but it took a trip to the psychiatrist and several med changes to find something that really helped me. Exercise is good for both physical and mental symptoms. It may take a week or more before you start to feel the positive effects, but they will come. Exercise that doesn't require walking.... swimming, water aerobics, bike (recumbant-no balance required), chair aerobics... anything to get the heart pumping. Try to get the depression and anxiety under control. It probably won't cure the vertigo or 100% of the fatigue... but it will make it easier to deal with. Hang in there!
   — mrsidknee

April 19, 2007
Thanks, I just started knitting w/a friend a church w/ a curcleor loom to make hats for cancer patients and children that don't have hats for winter. I alreay had made 7 of them. I also see a counselor on a 2wk basis, she is great to talk w/. I did see Dr. Mc Cane last May and at that time everything was fine. I have been seen by my family Dr. and he says that everythin is fine. Thank u for ur concerns that helps alot.
   — hopalongfroggie

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