Has anyone had problems with protein drinks?
I am 3 months out and protein drinks make me sick. I did have an ulcer which is healed. I eat 3 oz. each meal. Most foods make me sick. I have talked to my dietician the only foods I can handle are yogurt, string cheese and peanut butter. Does anyone have any ideas? — rebamac (posted on January 14, 2007)
January 14, 2007
alot of times the protein drinks are chalky tasting and leave a nasty
after-taste in your mouth. what i plan on doing once i have my surgery is
getting the nonflavored protein powder and adding it to regular foods in
order to get in my protein. you could also try using the dry powdered milk
and adding it to foods. hope this helps. holly
January 14, 2007
I have a very hard time with anything cold, so the best thing I have found
that works for me is hot chocolate. This is how I fix it:
1 Pkg of Nestle's Low Carb hot chocolate
1 scoop of Chocolate Unjury protein mix (doesn't smell)
Choice here--I put in enough hot water to mix and then add skim milk for
extra protein--but it tastes just as good with hot water--then microwave to
get as warm as you like
Sometimes i also add some french vanilla non-dairy creamer
This is the way i get most of my protein in. i liked the cold shakes at the
hospital but after i got home i couldn't get them to tast quite the same
and my pouch doesn't like cold drinks very much.
hope this helps--good luck
— Leisa
January 14, 2007
I am almost 2 years out and I still have a hard time with some foods; meats
especially. I also got tired of the protien shakes- they didn't make me
physically ill but I had to be slow with them and I tired of the taste.
They have drinks if I can mention- Isopure that come in bottles and are
like fruit drinks- clear, and I will add diet fruit punch, etc to make sure
I get more fluid and sip through out day. The protein in them is Whey and
it is 40 grams. Mix the non flavored or vanilla proteins in your yogurt or
try applesauce. It saved me. I am not a true vegetarian but I eat more like one because
of how eating meat affects me. I only eat a little meat to taste it when I
want some. Also try soy products. They have a lot of good recipes for tofu
and that also was a lifesaver for me. I used to be a hard core meat eater
who may not have had surgery had I known I would have had trouble with
meat. But now- I would not have a second thought- I feel so good- I rarely
get sick anymore only if I eat very tough meat and certain bread products
that have too much fat or gluten or something in them- I still haven't
quite figured that one out. But that is another thing I rarely eat.
Anyways- good luck.
— Cdavis226
January 14, 2007
Have you tried Protica protein shots?? They are only about 1/3 of a cup and
there is 25 grams of protein in each. You can buy them in lots of great
flavors(my favorite is passion fruit) at A little pricey but
use PR-15 as your coupon at checkout for 15% off your order. It is so worth
the extra money to only have to take a couple of swallows and get the
protein in than to have to choke down those thick shakes. Try it. They have
a 4 tube package so you can just try the flavors if you want before buying
a big box. You won't be sorry you tried this.
January 14, 2007
I also have had trouble finding a protein shake that does not make me ill.
And as someone else posted, warm seems to work better than hot. I bought
some "Protein" Hot oatmeal... It has 15 grams and with milk I get
more than 20 for the meal. They also have soups, hot chocolate and other
choices besides shakes. is the site for a local store that
has a great selection and knowlageable staff. I also find if I add a tsp
of peanutbutter to the matrix chocolate shake it is less sweet and goes
down better. Hope this helps!
— robinmarra
January 14, 2007
HI, I havent really tried any of those fancy ones out there, I ended up
using the Advantage ones , they taste like chocolate milk, they have 15gm
protein, you can buy them at Walmart or Sams (these 2 are the cheapest..) ,
or at CVS or Walgreens.. they are premixed in little foil containers, you
just pop them in the fridge and drink them when you want, they are great
for someone on the go. I have a queasy stomach alot too, but these seem to
agree.. good luck!!
— April
January 14, 2007
Since you can do yogurt if you have a Krogers grocery store in your area
try their brand of Carb Master yogurt. I think it tastes good and if you
can get the whole 6 ozs down its 12 grams of protein. It's also cheap at
39 cents each. Hope this helps!!
— Becky2006
January 15, 2007
I am about three months out as well and I am sick of the milky taste
protein shakes. I found a brand of protein called Nectar and it comes in
flavors. I really like this because you can mix it with water and it taste
like lemonade, or whatever flavor you buy. I found it in The Vitamin
Shoppe. GNC does not have it and I'm not sure where you live. 8 ounces will
give you 23grams of protein. I hope this helps you out. Good Luck.
— jazzyk
January 15, 2007
Yes, protein drinmks taste awful! I could not tolerate many things either.
Chicken still makes me sick, after two years out! I found that I had to
not drink within an hour of eating, or crink within an hour of eating.
That is what helped me. I also found that shrimp and lobster (expensive,
but I only ate a tiny bit at a time) stayed down very well. I am only now
able to eat three ounces at a sitting.
— Novashannon
January 15, 2007
The Vitamin Shoppe sells liquid protein that is really good. There is no
sugar and no fat in this product. It's called Whey 42 and it comes in
grape, raspberry, and fruit punch. It comes in a tube and the cost is $2.99
per tube. The website is if you don't have a store in
your area.
Hope this helps!
— mec566
January 15, 2007
I'm 12 years out and have had some seriously nasty protein drinks over the
years. If I had to rely on soy way back in the olden days and I hope that
stuff NEVER has to cross my lips again. As we speak, I'm enjoying a warm
protein drink, 32g protein, about 1g sugar. It's Champion Pure Whey Stack
choco + IDS vanilla-cinnamon (+ an extra shake of cinn for its properties
& 500mg calcium/250 IU od vit D3) in warm water. Very rich, rich
flavor, no wasted calories. Smooth, thin, slides right down. I use equal
parts choc & van-cin.
— vitalady
January 15, 2007
I hope I can mention this, but there is a website called She
is a wls patient and president of the company. They carry all sorts of
protein products, vitamins etc. I have not had my surgery yet, but I tried
several samples so far and have enjoyed them all. She also sells fruit
punch, nsctars and even has iced tea flavored drinks. Hope this helps. Good
— jlw0423
January 16, 2007
You can also order sample packets from I have found
this to be a great place for foods and vitamins. When I was a newbie I
used to make my protein shakes with strawberry yogurt, vanilla protien
powder (ISOPURE) a litte milk, a few frozien strawberries, a couple ice
cubes and some SPLENDA (I have a real sweet tooth!) Put it all in the
blender and it was awesome! It does take awhile to get it down, but I just
sipped it all morning if I had to. Hope you're doing better! I'm two
years out and still have NON-EATING days....that's when the protein drinks
come in handy. Best to you!
— christi_in_VA
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