Pain starts in my shoulders and runs down both arms.

I have noticed that after I eat greasy foods or something sweet that is high in fat will cause pain/ache in my shoulders and then it runs down both my arms. It will go away if massaged or after 10-15 minutes. Is this common? Is anyone else experiencing this?    — Tonda (posted on July 18, 2006)

July 18, 2006
one of the most important things is to limit your fatty, greasy foods you eat. Every body is different because some people will dump when they eat fatty foods. If you stay away from those foods you will be ok. You did not say what type of foods is causing this. You just might be eating the wrong types of foods. Good Luck
   — Steve Cohen

July 18, 2006
I'm not going to be mean, but why on earth did you have your body cut up if you weren't prepared to avoid this kind of diet? The only time I've heard of shooting pains in arms it was a prelude to a heart attack. Maybe your body is giving you a serious hint about what it does not want you to consume...
   — j_coulter

July 18, 2006
You know it really upsets me when people blast others for eating the wrong foods!! You know what, I started out at 369, and got down to a size 8, and yes I did eat bad foods every now & then!! It is ridiculous to think we can NEVER eat certain foods again!! This new pouch is a tool to help us, not cure us, or make us suffer for the rest of our lives! And yes I still maintain at almost 3 years out (except for the fact that I am pregnant at the moment and have gained a few!!)

July 18, 2006
Well, that last person to post, about getting cut up for nothing pretty much, is absolutely right. She has a really good point. And nobody is trying to be mean. But yes, you should think about what you put into your mouth. Everything that goes in there now is going to have an effect on you. Be careful! How far out are you, what kind of foods have you been eating, does your doctor have a plan for you to follow? Answer these questions, and you may get more advice. Feel free to email me if you have any questions! :) Steph
   — squeekypete

July 18, 2006
They are all correct, You did not say how far out you are,but, you should be making the changes to stay away from those types of foods. It is probably a feeling of dumping & you don't realize it. Dumping hits people in all different ways. I would for sure check with your Doc if these pains continue. But if it is the food that is causing the pain then by all means stay away from those foods. Marilyn Clifford (2 1/2 years out)
   — Marilyn C.

July 19, 2006
Wow--I am amazed at the apparent total self control that a few people have magically aquired with surgery. Because, you know, I'm sure that not one of them have EVER put anything "wrong" into their mouths post op. Puh-leeze. Anyway, I think your pain is a type of dumping. I would actually experience something like that before surgery when I'd drink something too high in sugar. It was a weird feeling, a really funky ache that would start in the muscles of my shoulders, but it would go away after a period of time. Haven't experienced it post op, but sugars and fats make me dump so hard that I avoid them as much as possible. =) By the way, I saw your pictures and you look fantastic! Way to go.
   — lollie26

July 19, 2006
Gallbladder inflammation will usually hurt in the shoulders. I have been an RN for ten years and this is a common symptom. Go see your surgeon ASAP.
   — shannonwaycott

July 20, 2006
I had a simular experience while I was doing acupuncture. I quit doing it. I ended up having an MRI on my neck (again). But the attacks quit after I stopped the accupunture.
   — LaurieH

July 20, 2006
Sounds like gallbladder, but it could also be heart related so you see your doctor ASAP. Good luck.
   — catleth

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