Has anyone have to give themself a blood thinner shot BEFORE surgery?

My Doc gave me a Lovenox shot to inject the night before surgery. I am a teacher and was telling the school nurse about it and she thought that it was odd. I know the rationale is to prevent blood clots but she said you don't want to bleed too much during an operation either. Is this the norm?    — Jenigal1974 (posted on May 5, 2006)

May 5, 2006
To my knowledge it is- I had one before surgery as well as after while in the hospital. The dose they are giving will not thin your blood enough to bleed out just prevent clots. Be sure to walk walk walk after surgery this also will help as well as the pneumatic stockings they will apply while you're in bed. Good luck!
   — dabby

May 5, 2006
I am having my surgery on 5/9 and was told I would be given it before surgery to prevent clots, but I can't imagine them giving it to you and telling you to give it to yourself. That seems odd. Good Luck!
   — sarahp1101

May 5, 2006
Yes, I was on Comundin and had to go off of Comundin one week before my WLS, and for that week I had to give myself shots of Lovenox the problem of being allergic to that medication. The Lovenox is a blood thinner that is usually used as a kinda bridge from one blood thinner to another. Or I have been told some surgeons do have there patients give themself the shot before surgery. Lovenox will not be strong enough for you to bleed to much, I just hope you are not allergic like I was, but I had to take shots for one week. It is hard to say that this is out of the norm, every surgeon has his own procedures, and you should follow what you are asked to do for the best results.
   — cindy

May 5, 2006
Yes, the day before surgery I was given a shot of bloodthinner by the nurse.
   — Karen Renee

May 5, 2006
I would strongly recommend that you take your Dr's advice and follow his instructions to the letter. There are definite risks following advice from other sources, but if you are cincerned, he is the person you should be asking about this.
   — Lise K.

May 5, 2006
I was also given a blood thinner shot before surgery and also everyday of my hospital stay. I stayed two nights and was given a third shot right before my departure from the hospital.
   — Ms_Shay

May 6, 2006
I would will ALWAYS do what my doctor has instructed, I am simply seeking information from others to help ease anxiety This information has made me feel a lot better about it...Thanks for all of your responses!
   — Jenigal1974

May 6, 2006
I didn't have to do this myself, but as soon as I checked in for pre-op my IV was started and I was given Heparin. They continued to give it to me every day that I was in the hospital.
   — nicolerod

May 6, 2006
Hi Jennifer......I am from KC MO area and I am 2 weeks post op and I have the lovenox injection right b4 my is standard.......I am a nurse and I know they give it to help prevent any blood clots in the legs since you will be in bed for a short while dont worry its fine Terry
   — nurse911

May 7, 2006
I am 5 weeks post op and I got the lovenox shots while in the hospital. I also had to give the last shot in the hospital to my self ,so they would know if I could administer it to my self at home for 10 days, twice a day . I thought I would have problems w/ it but it was not bad at all !
   — annalisawest

May 7, 2006
I am not really sure if I had a shot of Lovenox before surgery, but my surgeon kept me on it a total of 28 days including the two days in the hospital. Guess he had several patients who had died at home of blood clots so he was extra cautious. I was terrified at first of giving myself the shots, but they were a breeze. My surgeon is excellent with 30 years of experience in bariatric surgery. Rebecca Berlier
   — BeccaB

May 8, 2006
I had the shot before surgery and everyday while in the hospital. I previously had a blood clot in my leg and my primary doctor was going to put me on blood thinners after surgery until he found out that I had been on the Lovenox. He said that it was better than Coumadin and as long as I stayed active he thought it would be better to not give me the blood thinners. I am 12 weeks post op and have not had any problems other than having to have the openings in my stomach dilated.
   — raypustin

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