Clear Liquid Diet 2 days before surgery

My surgery is on Tuesday, 4/11/06. I'm halfway through the first clear liquid day and I am SO HUNGRY! Any advice on how others curbed their hunger during this time? Thanks so much!    — nicolerod (posted on April 9, 2006)

April 9, 2006
Hang in there you can do it. Be thankful that you didn't have to do it for ten to fourteen days like some of us were required to. Just think, in two more days it will have all been worth it.
   — Belle

April 9, 2006
maybe u could increase your liquids
   — Steve Cohen

April 9, 2006
My doctor says I can't have anything you can't see light through, but I don't really understand exactly what that means. I'm sure I can't have protein shakes or milk or anything like that. Am I really restricted to broth, water, isopure, crystal light, etc? I think I've already had about a gallon of liquids and jello today.
   — nicolerod

April 9, 2006
Hang in there and keep busy drink alot of water diet 7-up r gingerale is considered clear also only before surgery after surgery NO soda good luck its all worth it :)
   — myangel121204

April 9, 2006
Increase the liquids. I ate so much jello I thought I was going to wiggle. I open a lot of chicken and beef stock mixed them and had them on the stove all day long. Every time I thought I was hungry I went and got another cup. Just got me ready for all the water we drink now.
   — pettykash

April 9, 2006
Stay busy, drink lots of water and be thankful you are not on a 4 week skim milk pre-op diet like my surgeon has me on - 5 more days to go!!
   — classite

April 9, 2006
UGH. When I started the Golytely, I despised Jello. LOL. I drank a lot of broth, apple juice is good too. Another way to curb hunger is rest a lot. The less you move, the less hungry you will be. Try to sleep, too.
   — Tracydarlin

April 9, 2006
Wow, everyone had some pretty terrific answers for you! I agree whole heartedly that keep moving, keep busy - the more you sit idle the more you'll think you're hungry. Also, you can keep this little saying in your mind then next time you want to eat "nothing tastes better than being thin".
   — sstrohm

April 9, 2006
Hello Nicole, Congrats on your WLS ... when I was on clear liquids homemade broth, sugar-free jello, and sugar-free popcycles were my friend. As everyone else has stated you will just have to try hard not to think about the food and increase your liquid intake as necessary.
   — Tiff's On a Mission

April 9, 2006
I am now on day 5 of liquid diet- My surgery is tomorrow as well. I ate a huge bowl of Jello last nite which really just made me sick- Everything in moderation right?? Popsicles take a while to eat and seem to have helped a lot. Filling up on water as well. Juice seemed to have made me even worse, I did drink some to keep my suagr up a bit though. I have been drinking at least 120 ozs. of water just to keep my stomach happy.
   — Prtewitty

April 10, 2006
Others have given you great advice. I also suggest you concentrate on what you're gaining by having the surgery and demphasize what you are losing in the way of food. I have found that food has been the center of too many of my activities and I am trying very hard to distance myself from it. Do something fun that you enjoy (besides eating!) Crafts, painting, flower gardening, listening to music, call a friend and yak on the phone, rearrange your furniture......get all your household chores and laundry done before going into the hospital........address some cards to drop notes to friends, go to the library and check out some great anything you can that doesn't have food as the center or reward.
   — LauraA

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