Can anyone please tell me why I get smelly gas all the time and what to do about it?

I find that I'm getting gas a lot and it is very embarassing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.    — devenny99 (posted on March 1, 2006)

February 28, 2006
Your profile does'nt say how far post op you are. That would help. But I was thinking it was around four months post op before I was'nt a "stinker" anymore. lol I remember some of the fun times as a "stinker" early post op. I use to "let em rip"... One time the timbers in the house rattled.... my then "five cats" (have 18 now) were all sleeping. It woke them... their heads came up.... sniffed... cranked around to see where the aroma was coming from. Then they gave me a look as if to say "Dad. The litter box is that a way... don't you think you should use it?". Hope the joke does'nt affend anyone. But honestly... this time will pass as your body gets use to the change. At least, I think it ends for everyone. At least my worst was about four months. Actually as I guy I was proud of letting them rip. But ladies see those things differently I suppose. Have a great day! Smile,... it will soon be in the past. :)
   — Danmark

February 28, 2006
Even if you are further out (I am almost 6 months out), it still happens to me sometimes depending on what type of food I ate..
   — Katpts

February 28, 2006
We all have it especially if you are using the protein shakes. Something about protein shakes that gives us those big "protein poots"
   — eprise616

February 28, 2006
If I remember my Chemistry and Anatomy classes well - it has to do with protein. When the protein is broken down in the gut by hydrolysis, one of its byproducts is CO2 - good 'ol carbon dyoxide. So the CO2 is stuck in the gut and intestines, and there's pretty much only 1 way out - your butt. And believe you me, there are some days when I don't want to be around myself on a heavy protein day - phhhewwww
   — cdt1334

February 28, 2006
what are you eating/drinking - certain foods will make you more gassy than normal. Most likely if your early post op it may be milk if your using it. Your always going to have smelly poops - cause your intestines have been bypassed; but gas is usually a 'sign' youve eaten/drinken something your body doesnt like.
   — star .

February 28, 2006
I'm still pre-op, but someone has suggested using a product called Devrom. Go to It's an internal deoderant. Good luck!
   — Nadine O.

February 28, 2006
Hello, I'am close to 3 years out and still get some of the stinkey gas. If I eat certain foods like onions or sugre free candy I smell like burning tires. You just have to learn what causes it and to avoid it. Now i love onions in everything.My husband works off alot so only my children suffer. When he is going to be home i just lay off the onions a few days before he gets here. You will find it is not only one or two things that cause this it will be alot of things to start.It is a learning adventure of do and don'ts good luck on this adventure. 264/154/144 May 17 2003
   — madbird

March 1, 2006
Well I have to tell you, I agree with Dan. Even though I am a lady, I still let'em rip in my house. My dogs leave the room. I always know how to get them off my lap. I am almost 5 years post-op and the gas has not got any better. Tina
   — tchandler

March 1, 2006
Joyce, I am 5 yrs post - op and the only way I can avoid the gas is stick to my protein and water. So I dont think its the protein, but everyones body is different. Like the others I get bad gas when I trink alot of milk products and alot of sugar free products. I can have some fruit but if I eat to much it will also do the same. I agree you just have to find out what foods are giving you the gas and avoide them. There really is a pill one can take that is a deoderant for having gas, but I dont know any specifics or weather its something we can even have or not might want to ask your surgeon or your doc. Take care and Good luck. Congrats on being POST-op..:o)
   — Jo_Michalko

March 1, 2006
Each of us going thourgh different stages but gas was always there and will always be around. Not always at the same intensity (Thank God). You can always try some beano, or some gasX to help. Just keep up your water intake stay on the protein and things will even out. Good Luck and God Bless Donna Childress post-op 2-22-04
   — dchildress

March 2, 2006
I am close to three years out and I still get my share of smelly gas. I'm not quite sure if it's what you eat or it's just in your system. I personally think it's in our system.
   — Pam M.

March 2, 2006
I am so happy someone finally posted this. I will be 2yrs p/o in May and it his me the worst starting a few months ago. I have never had it this bad before so I have no clue what the deal is. NO ONE can stand to be around me if I eat sun flower seeds, fig newtons or raisen bran. I am assuming in those instances it is the fiber...who knows. I am trying to figure out what all of my triggers are...I guess I need to start a food journal and really comb over what I ate when the gas strikes. I wish you the best of luck...for me if I would drink my protein like I should I might not have this Julie 265/140/130
   — J. Stinard

March 3, 2006
You are not doing anything wrong. It is the downside of this surgery. After 10 years I am experiencing gas attacks that are worth then ever before. I went to the Dr yesterday and she recomended the following after trying GasX and beano that did not worked for me. Before bedtime to drink a warm cup of spearmint tea or chamomille tea without any sweetening in it:No sugar or Splenda just plain. Sip the tea very slowly and give yourself at least 20 minutes to drink a 4 oz/1 cup of tea. Stay aways from rough/raw veggies at night and salads/salad dressings. I tried it last night and for the first time in a long time I was able to sleep good and not to have any gas attacks. I think it is working so far. Give it a try you got nothing to loose.
   — Dani96

March 3, 2006
You are not doing anything wrong. It is the downside of this surgery. After 10 years I am experiencing gas attacks that are worth then ever before. I went to the Dr yesterday and she recomended the following after trying GasX and beano that did not worked for me. Before bedtime to drink a warm cup of spearmint tea or chamomille tea without any sweetening in it:No sugar or Splenda just plain. Sip the tea very slowly and give yourself at least 20 minutes to drink a 4 oz/1 cup of tea. Stay aways from rough/raw veggies at night and salads/salad dressings. I tried it last night and for the first time in a long time I was able to sleep good and not to have any gas attacks. I think it is working so far. Give it a try you got nothing to loose.
   — Dani96

September 5, 2006
Although starches produce increased amounts of gas, the really terrible smelling farts are due to increased protein intake, especially if your poop also smells particularly bad. I went to the original "Scoop on Poop" website, and here's what I found: "Does eating meat make your poop smell worse? (Question submitted by MAE5158) Yes, meat protein is rich in sulfides, resulting in smellier farts and poop. This is the reason that the poop of carnivores such as dogs, cats and snakes smells worse than the poop of herbivores such as cows and horses. " BOTTOM LINE, there may be nothing you can do about it, because you can't stop getting your protein. Well, you can blame it on the dog, if you have one!
   — Anna W.

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