I have SEVERE problems with constipation.

Since surgery I do not remember having a single BM without taking a laxitive. Even then sometimes it takes several days and repeated doses to work. I am careful to drink all my water and I take a stool softener everyday. Dos anybody else have this problem to this extent? Please don't suggest anything that has to be eaten. I just can't eat very much of anything and especially if it tastes bad or has too many carbs. I get sick not only from sugar but also carbs above 25 grams per meal. This may be on the library somewhere but I looked for quite a while and didn't find anything.    — CAROLYN C. (posted on February 23, 2004)

February 23, 2004
Dear Carolyn, I also had the same problem. Are you taking Calcium-because that was the culprit for me. I switched to coral calcium and the problem resolved. It was so severe, I thought I might hae to go to the hospital one day. So I can sympathize with you. Hang on-things get better. Carla
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 23, 2004
I have had the same problem for the entire time since surgery, that is 15 months now. I have tried everything from MOM TO exlax,stool softerners forget it they dont work. apple juice doesnt work even prune juice doesnt work. the laxitives work but i have to take one everyday and even then it doesnt work everyday. i am lucky if it works 1 time a week. I have not found anything that works all the time. I am sure i will be dependent on laxitives beofr long but I dont know what else to do. there is no food or fiber that works for me. I hope you get some great answers that i can steal from you. I figure mine is going to be life long. good luck, terri
   — terri R.

February 23, 2004
Gee that was me, I would plug up the toilet every time:( I accidently stumbled onto a solution. I noted that after eating some greasy fried onion rings things moved right along... Right after that I tried some Atkins brownies. They are a boxed mix that calls for 1/3 cup of oil. Things moved along fine again! Previously my skin was very dried out too and actually hurt. So I intentionally added oil back into my diet and the constipation and dry skin are history:):) I think the oil acts like a lubricant, but hey I fix machines for a living. Just try HEALTHY oil and see if it works. BTW the atkins brownuies are YUMMY and taster just like betty crocker although they cost just over $4 at super wallmart. They are low carb but not low calorie so do be careful
   — bob-haller

February 23, 2004
i had the same problem. i would have to take something once a week to be able to "go". i realized that since we eat mostly protien that we don't get in the fiber that we need. i bought some fiber chewables(wal-,art)....i didn't want to drink that other nasty stuff. the tablets work pretty well. i even started doing something strange, i put a star on my calendar when i have a BM(hahaha). it helps me to see how my body is working since wls. i was never an everyday pooper pre-op and now i'm a once a week girl. try the fiber tablets and see if that helps.
   — franbvan

February 23, 2004
Oh boy do I feel your pain! IT is the worst to have this problem. I still have it, and I am sitting at about 17 months post op. I can honestly report that this constipation deal is the only bad thing I have had to go through since surgery, however it can be so bad, that you wonder if you will ever be OK again. I hope to read some good answers about what to do as well. I have tried all kinds of things, but what a joke. I can say that I, like another poster, actually have to keep track of when I get the opportunity to poop, if more than3 days goes by, I know that the next episode will be excruciating! By the second to thrid day, I use Milk of Mag, and although the process is still extremely painful, at least I can make it happen! I am really beginning to think it has to be tied to all of the non-stop protein we try to eat. I know most of us try to limit the carbs, and therefore lose out on whatever it is (perhaps FIBER) that helps to keep things moving? I don't know, but I do know what you are going through and it is a real bummer. Like I said, I really hope somebody has a good idea out there... I know you said you didn't want to hear about things to eat, but since I changed my brand of protein bar, I am doing a bit better. I have switched to a brand called "THINK THIN", and there is only 2 net carbs per bar, with 20 grams of protein... I find them at WalMart. It is just an FYI... GOOD LUCK finding the answer to this dilemma.. I will be watching the posts for your question!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 23, 2004
Carolyn, After having back surgery and being on pain meds I found that if I had a warm galss of prune juice and a stool softener in the morning by 2-3pm the same day I would have a BM. It tokk a couple of days on this plan to get it moving but once it did it worked. Good Luck Dianna
   — DIANNA W.

February 23, 2004
I'm 4 1/2 years out, and to this day, still have the problem. What I've finally found that works for me (almost every day) is doubling up on the stool softeners. I take 2 in the AM and 2 before bed. This usually does the trick. I will still occasionally skip a day, but the next day is not a problem. But, don't forget, being this far out, I also eat a variety of foods with fats, fiber, oils and whatever. As a newbie, that wasn't possible. Try doubling the stool softeners, and see if that helps...that's much less dangerous than taking a laxative every day. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

February 23, 2004
I'm 5-1/2 months post-op RNY, and have to work on this problem too! Right now, I'm using 2 stool softeners per day, and also mix 1 Tbls of Benefiber with a drink twice per day. This has allowed me to have pretty much a daily BM. The Benefiber is nice since it is tasteless and doesn't add any bulk to the drink. I'm sorry you're still having so many problems with foods. I do find that eating salads and fiber-rich foods like chili really help the problem. I've also seen people post on here about an herbal tea called "Smooth Moves." I haven't tried it, but would be willing to if necessary.
   — Carlita

February 23, 2004
Carolyn, I have the same problem. I think I could drink a barrel of water and eat a truckload of fiber and still NO GO. I have to switch around laxatives to keep them working. Right now I'm using Correctol and doing pretty good. Don't let too many days go by without going or you will end up in the ER like I did one time. No more $700 enemas for me! I do think the Atkins cereals are helpful. I keep Smooth Move tea on hand for emergencies when all else fails. It tastes bad but if you brew another strong flavored tea bag in with it, and put a lot of Splenda in it, you can get it down. I don't want to use it too often for fear it will quit working, but it will definitely get you some action! For some reason, taking a laxative when I get up in the morning, first thing, seems to help more than taking it at night. Does anyone think maybe this constipation problem has to do with our muscles in the abdomen being so lax and stretched out? I am beginning to wonder about that. Good luck sweetie.
   — Sheryl S.

February 23, 2004
I am sure no one will agree with this... But I had a 3-DAY constipation nightmare since surgery... Needless to say it ended with 2 ENEMAS>.. NEVER AGAIN I vowed. SO If I do not go at least EVERYOTHERDAY.... I make my "drink" IT IS NASTY BUT IAT WORKS... I mix a 1/2 cup MILK OD MAG and 1/3 cup CITRATE OF MAGNESIUM and take 2 laxitives... I know it sounds harsh and can not be too good. BUT I can not go through that again! AND make sure you HAVE no where to be the next day... It is a BIG BLOWOUT. I was risky and did it thanksgiving night and Had to spend the WHOLE next day SHopping (and pooping) with my in-laws!
   — Sabrina H_NC

February 23, 2004
I've had severe constipation since I was 16. I get cramps from things like Exlax (spelling?). I can't stand those gritty drinks or fiber to put in food. Finally I found something that is very gentle and tastes pretty reasonable. It is Metamucil Fiber Wafers. They have two flavors. I've tried the Cinnamon Spice and really like them. You take one or two at a time. If I'm stopped up good, two is fine. Usually I just take one, once in a while to keep things regular. They are small wafers so it is'nt hard to eat them. They are decent tasting as I can't tolerate crappie tasting anything. I get them at Walmart... they are around $5 a box. And they last awhile. Try them. They may help you as well.
   — Danmark

February 23, 2004
Hi. I know how painful this could be. I never had problem in going to the bathroom, until I got my surgery. There is a natural tea, "Badia, slimming tea" that works wonder, at least for me. It is really cheap, ten bags for 1.00. I buy it at the supermarket, either Publix or Winn Dixie, here in Miami. I take at night, before going to bed, putting one splenda, and no only tastes good, but it works every morning. I do not take when I have my period, but then after that, everynight. It works all the time, and it is natural. Hope it helps
   — Jessica T.

February 24, 2004
I sure know what you are saying. I tried so many different things until I finally found something that works for me. I drink alot of water, and everyday I eat 1 to 2 oz's of sunflower seeds, then once a week, usually of Sunday evening, I take one tablespoon of Phillips Milk of Magnesia. I can live with this, and if I do not drink enough water or miss my sunflower seeds or "God Forbid" my Sunday does of MOM, then I go back to not having a BM. Hope you find the right things to help you.
   — cindy

February 24, 2004
I too am one of those with a life long problem with constipation. A friend of mine told me about psyillium husk. This is incredible stuff. I used the web and researched it. It does NOT cause cramping because it doesn't work like stimulants. Instead it absorbs water, becomes a gel and keeps your bowels "lubricated". I get mine at Trader Joes. I do not take the recommended 2T, but only a teaspoon in about 6-8 oz of water. It's a bit of a challenge to get down at first, but you get used to it. It doesn't taste bad (it really doesn't taste like anything), it's more the texture. You MUST take it with water. If I do this at least 2-3 times a week I'm ALWAYS regular and my weight loss is better. When I get slack and skip it, I get those tiny hard stools and I plateau. Psyillium Husk also has the advantage of cleaning the lining of your colon and getting rid of all the bacteria. I honestly feel much better.
   — keva M.

February 24, 2004
I don't think anyone has mentioned this, if they have I missed it... exercise is a great "mover", if you aren't walking briskly everyday give it a try.
   — Tim W.

February 24, 2004
This is also the biggest problem I've had since surgery. (I'm now 11 weeks out). I did the laxatives and enemas, but found what works for me. Laci Le Beau Super Dieters tea. I get it at GNC. It comes in lots of flavors. I brew a 6oz cup and have it before bed - I go the next morning. It doesn't taste bad, either. Good Luck. DEB
   — Deborah G.

February 24, 2004
Don't laugh, but boiled peanuts work wonders for me. By the way, this may be a southern thing.
   — Tawnda C.

February 25, 2004

September 8, 2004
I am now 5 weeks post op, and this is also my only trouble since the surgery. I believe it is caused because of the protein only diet they have me on. I'm not allowed to add fruits and vegetables back until after the second month I think, so I can't take prune juice or any type of cereals. Fruits and vegetables were my cure pre op, and I'm sure they will help when I can have them again. For now, I've been taking a dose of Milk of Magnesia whenever I absolutely have to. It's the cheapest stuff on the list of laxatives my doctor said that I can take plus I had it just laying around because I had to take a dose for the surgery. I take that, get in all my liquids, and exercise. It doesn't taste very good, but 2-4 tbs is easier to get down than more food.
   — joycem

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