H-Pylori, Help, what next?

Only 5 days left till my surgery and I just got notification that my H-pylori is Positive! What now??????? Will my surgery be cancelled?? :'(    — Xerrie (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 11, 2002
Who told you that the H. Pylori was positive? Your surgeon or family doctors office? Regardless of who it was, I would call your surgeon's office immediately and find out what's going on. Not checking with him/her won't make it go away and it will still be there the day of your surgery, so better to find out now if your surgery will be postponed.
   — Lynette B.

October 14, 2002
Praise Jesus! I just first heard of pylori. It's bacteria that causes ulsurs. My surgeon put me on 3 antibiotics, that must be taken together, 2 times a day for 7 days.He also have me taking pepto-bismol tablets along with the medicine.He told me the bacteria must be cleared up before surgery, because it is horrible trying to clear it up afterwards, because alot of problems can happen since it;s in the stomach.The stomach is already being exposed enough. This bacteria only makes it worse.A breath test must be done 1 month after you've taken all of the antibiotics to make sure it is gone. If it's not, they will do the same thing again, but try a different combination of antibiotics. I see my surgeon in two week, I needed to lose 20lbs. in order to have lap. His nurse told me my surgery date can be schedule as long as my blood count is up, that has been a struggle, but, it is alot better now. Good luck and be blessed!
   — Angie H.

October 14, 2002
Hi. My surgeon tests everyone for this. He said if it is positive, you will have to take meds to clear it up before surgery. It's no biggie so dont worry. Thank goodness my test was negative. I willl have my surgery Oct.23,2002 Take care and good luck.
   — Siddy I.

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