I swallowed too big of a bite and immense pain!
While out to dinner I swalled too big a bite of tortilla and shredded pork. It went down OK then all of the sudden I had a stabbing pain in my tummy! It lasted about 20 minutes then was gone. Since that "episode" I've found I can drink more water at a time (bigger gulps) and do not get the "I'm stuffed" feeling anymore. Did I blow my new belly out? It doesn't hurt at all now, even when I eat, but I feel like I'm eating a bunch more than I was able to before (of course, I've had to test it to the limits). Any words of wisdom? Help! — [Anonymous] (posted on July 30, 2001)
July 30, 2001
Hi there. I would give your surgeon a call. I had a similar episode a
couple of weeks ago (only with water). It turned out that I just ticked my
tummy off. But my surgeon said that if you did have a staple line
disruption, you would not have pain and would be able to eat alot more.
Give him a call and good luck!!
— Cindy K.
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