How much is too much Carbs in my pre-surgery and post surgery protein shakes?

If my shakes has about 100 calories per shakes but the carb content is 8 grams and up is that too much?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 6, 2011)

February 6, 2011
I need to know the same thing. My doctor did not say and I forgot to ask. Mag
   — Mag (Marguerite) P.

February 6, 2011
My Dr wanted me to have a shake that was 5 grams or less of sugar. I do not recall the amount of carbs, but milk will add carbs to your intake but they told me that was a different thing and it was allowed. I wasn't allowed to have regular carbs until I lost 75% of my weight.
   — FSUMom

February 6, 2011
Ditto FSUMom! 5gms (or less) carbs and 15gm (or more) protein in the protein powder. 1% or skim milk carbs do not count. ~8gms protein per cup of milk = 23 gms per shake minimum. Right?
   — Ruthie D.

February 6, 2011
Your DV% (Daily Value)on the label needs to be 6% or under when reading your label where it says Total Carbohydrates. Also keeping the sugars low will help too. You don't want to go over 12g of sugar in anything you eat or drink, when you make sure this # is low too then your carbs will be at or under at 6% as well! Hope this helps!
   — Emily Gomez

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