When does the body stop losing weight?

How does the body regulate itself to stop losing weight. I am starting to have people say that I look great now and I hope you don't lose anymore? Since I have been overweight most of my life I really don't remember a comfortable weight I was at. I think I should speak to a nutritionist?    — buceriasjean (posted on July 15, 2010)

July 15, 2010
yes speak to a nutritionist... my last appt with mine said I am within 10 lbs so I should start increasing my food intake and the weight loss will level off. Then of course you have to make sure you don't do into the gaining process. Good luck :)
   — fortywhat2

July 15, 2010
I go to my NUT all the time, and to be quite frank, I am underweight. It is a problem keeping weight on for me. I have to eat 6 times a day so I can get in all my protein. Never in my wildest dreams would I think I would have such a problem with losing too much weight, but that too can be a problem.
   — FSUMom

July 16, 2010
People are likely responding to the change. But check with your doctor as to what your target weight range is and work with a nit to keep in that range.
   — trible

July 16, 2010
Hi there. First I would like to say that friends and family members that have only seen us obese for most of our lives are the first to say that we look too skinny, or shouldn't lose any more. I found this out first hand. I have heard people say they can't stop losing or they are underweight though. I am 5' 2" and I was 236 on day of surgery and have comfortably stopped losing at around 18 to 20 months out and float between 122 and 125 lbs. My docs goal for me as I am over 35, I am 40, was 135 lbs, but my goal for myself was 125 and although that is teetering on the edge of average and overweight, I am good at that weight. Any more and I would look boney. I feel like my body liked this weight and that I will only start losing more if I decrease food or up my excercise.
   — Tangerine4

July 16, 2010
You regulate your weight by controlling your calories. You have to maintain at a good calories level or you will continue to keep losing weight. I asked my doctor that same question--How will my body know to stop losing weight? Well, he said I should be at 1200 calories around 18 months post op. So I have to say, that in order to eat 1200 calories I do what is probably not allowed in the weight lose world but I have small snacks throughout the day. Not junk food, but things like Grape Nuts with yogurt and small items, so that I am getting calories in all day. I don't know about most of you, but I can't get 1200 calories in at 3 meals. (I am 4.5 years RNY) So, I do what I feel is comfortable. I might eat a salad with chicken as a snack then have my normal meals. The charts that the doctors say we should weight, well....I didn't go by that. I felt good at 140 lbs for 2 years, then got ill and lost some weight, but it is how you feel is good for you. People that knew me years ago when I was thin, said you look good, people that never knew me thin always "fat" said I look too thin. So, again..........maintain a good calorie level, and listen to your inner self for a comfortable weight. Speaking to a nutritionist is a good idea. I check in my mine about every 6 months if I have concerns. That is a good idea as well. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

July 16, 2010
I am 6 months out and I am considered underweight. I am just a little over 5 feet. I started out at 199.7 and I am 111.6. That is 88.1 lbs in 6 months and I am still losing. My family doctor said I am past thin now. They say it stops when your body is happy with a certain weight. I don't know about that. I would like to weigh between 120 and 125.
   — cuppaloopy

July 16, 2010
You don't have your profile filled out, so we don't know what type of surgery you had and how long ago you had it. Please advise. Thanks. Janell C.
   — Janell C.

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