Can vomiting cause more serious issues than just to my throat?

I got my lap-band surgery done almost 5 yrs ago when I was 19. I was able to keep up with my fills while i had insurance, but now i can't. I got a fill a few yrs ago and was fine and i did the liquid diet after my fill like i was told. Well i would try to drink my protein shake and my body didn't agree. So now I saw i'm like a bulimic person because I throw up everything. The weird part is it doens't really hurt my throat because i'll have this like extra saliva when i throw up. Its really weird to describe but it doesnt feel like acid at all, so it doens't hurt. my problem is i'll get really shaky and my head will start to hurt from all the pressure i put on myself to throw up sometimes when my food is stuck. I can't go to my dr b/c i'm broke and i don't have the money to get checked out, but i know its not healthy to be throwing up all the time like I am. I do it almost everytime I eat! Not sure what to do!    — katibk314 (posted on June 4, 2010)

June 4, 2010
Let me start by saying I understand about money being tight, but I believe your health is worth every penny! I had a fill, I am very close to my sweet spot. I had .3ccs placed and thought I was doing ok. Two days later I couldn't even keep down my shake or more than a 1/2 cup of water. I knew this wasn't right...just like you know what is happening to you is wrong. I had to go back to have 1/2 of my .3 removed and my problems were gone. I was going thru everything you are now. Possible issues from constantly vomiting that I have read about: band slippage, esophagus erosion, the acid from your stomach will rot your teeth, and dehydration. I am sure there are more, but please...don't find out what they are, take care of yourself. I went without solids for 6 days and VERY little water. I know how I felt! I had a fill on a Wednesday...was fine Thurs and Fri, started having real issues Friday...waited a long weekend and went in right a way Tuesday. I won't lie to you, the scale looked GREAT, but it was a lie. I was dehydrated and as soon as I started re hydrating the scale went back to where it was..IT IS NOT WORTH IT! As long as you haven't been throwing up for an extended time maybe your surgeon will only remove a small amount, if you wait too long he will possibly have to remove it all and you will have to start all over again with small amounts. God Bless and take care of yourself.
   — kfgates

June 4, 2010
Katie is death afordable. can your family afford to lose you. you could cause a stroke or brain hemerage by the sounds of the head pressure when you vomit. You can contact your local health department and apply for federal medical assistence if your low income. Or go to any emergency room ad they will make payment arangements with your for treatment. First call the dr. and see if they will set up a payment program with you, so you can get right and then make arangements to prepay for the next fill. I am sure they will work with you. exspecially since they installed the band. best wishes and good luck.
   — marymazilla

June 5, 2010
Kati, this is not something you can afford to ignore. It sounds very much like your band has slipped. If too much of your stomach slips through the band, it can close off completely and nothing will go down. You must see a doctor immediately and be checked out. Those of us who have been banded need to be checked yearly after the first year just to be sure everything is as it should be. I urge you to take care of this before you end up in the ER. THere is help out there for you. You only have one body, and you must take care of it! God bless you and take care!
   — Bonnie H.

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