Need Advice on Calcium....

Hi All, I had RNY on Oct 28th, 2009. I'm doing GREAT! I've lost a total of 67 lbs since surgery (slow and steady which my doctor is very pleased with) and from my highest weight 147 lbs. Just saw my doctor on March 16th. All my nutrition levels are doing perfect and all within range of normal but I've noticed my fingernails seem to be splitting and a bit more brittle. I completely forgot to ask my doctor but just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if so how did you deal with it? I'm taking 2000 ml of Calcium per day which seems to be satisfactory to keep my levels at normal. So since my calcium levels are normal, I don't want to increase my dosage. Is there something else I can do to help strengthen my nails? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.    — annteekee (posted on March 30, 2010)

March 30, 2010
My nails are weak and peeling as well, like you said, you do not want to up your calicum, nor do I. However, there is a flip side to calcium, I take 500 mg three times a day. I was told by my NUT , that if I do not take this much and my body needs more calicum, the body will draw it from my bones naturally. This really freaked me out!!!!!! I had a bone density test Monday and me ole bones are fine. I am 58 and concerned with bone loss. Good luck my friend P.S. Please post your hits, I would love gorgeous nails again!!!!
   — FSUMom

March 30, 2010
You could try adding Biotin to your supplement regimen. It's considered the hair & nail vitamin. You can find it at any store that sells vitamins. I don't know the recommended dosage for RNY patients but I'm sure someone who takes it will chime in here shortly.
   — Arkin10

March 30, 2010
Fingernails, like hair, are composed of a protein. Increasing your protein intake may help. It may be like hair loss, you just have to wait until your body stabilizes. I remember people drinking Knox unflavored gelatin for better fingernails but, I don't know if they still make that. Having more protein would have a better effect. Congrats on your success.
   — MargaretHM

March 30, 2010
I take Biotin 5000 mcg. chewable daily... my nails seem to be growing rapidly and I'm not losing my hair :) I hope it's the Biotin and I continue that way. If you need to know the one I take is made by Solaray. Also I've always been told gelatin stregthens nails. I hope this helps
   — fortywhat2

March 31, 2010
Biotin does help hair & nails. I take one. I'm also going to chime in about Calcium & bone leeching that someone else referenced, but nobody actually but in the CRUCIAL tidbit associated with that. When your body isn't getting sufficient calcium or it's not absorbing enough of what you are giving it, it does indeed leech is from your bones. Your parathyroid hormone (PTH on most lab tests) is the indicator that this is happening. PTH increases when your body is steeling it's calcium from your bones in order to keep your blood serum calcium levels normal. That is why you cannot just look at your calcium levels & conclude all is well - it may or may not be, but you need to look at your PTH level to know if your blood serum calcium level is at a good level to due the calcium you're supplementing with or if it is due to your body robbing your bones. Don't wait until it's in the high range to think you have a problem, middle or less is optimal. Regarding DEXA body scan. There is conclusive research that obese people have denser bones than average for their age, gender, & race compared to those in their group who are of a normal body weight. This is because bone density increases as a result of weight-bearing exercising. Being obese for a long period of time means that you were carrying around a lot of weight and building your bones stronger. That is why you cannot rely one one single DEXA body scan to know whether your bones are getting weaker than the rate that should be naturally occuring as you age. You need at least 2 scans to compare. Optimally, one prior to WLS, otherwise 2 since WLS. You may now be in a normal bone density range, but you may have had really dense bones before . . . but you wouldn't know that unless you had two of them. Calcium absorption is increased when taking it with Vit D & magnesium.
   — Lisey

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