Margaret, what is mentioned in your answer re: vegetarian?

Margaret M. in your answer to the vegetarian question, you mentioned a product like yogurt loaded with protein. What is it and where can I buy it?    — Katey (posted on January 24, 2010)

January 24, 2010
I believe this is the product she is referring to: or Both sites explain that their product is an icelandic style skyr strained non-fat yogurt and where you can buy it. I hope this helps.
   — Dandy_DeeDee

January 24, 2010
Sorry, I forgot that I also wanted to add this link to Whole Foods Market as the site mentions them as being one of the chain of stores that sells their skyr:
   — Dandy_DeeDee

January 24, 2010
I have heard it described as cheese but it is yogurt to me. It is from Iceland. It comes in a 6 ounce container. It is 110 calories, no fat and 22 grams of protein. I think it tastes like a creamier Greek yogurt. It was $1.99 when I bought it at Whole Foods. I have also seen it at Dorothy Lane Market, in Dayton, Ohio.
   — MargaretHM

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