tired of hearing this

Has anyone had this said to them? Oh you have to remember that your older (59) getting this RNY surgery done so your skin is going to hang so much. Then you hear about a younger person getting it done and they look older and their alot younger than you. So in other words I'm going to look older.Blah, blah, blah. I just do not want to hear it anymore. Why do people do that? I'm talking family members.    — cuppaloopy (posted on December 22, 2009)

December 22, 2009
Barbara, I think it's really an individual thing. I've been looking at before and after photos for months now. Some people look older and some actually look a lot younger! Screw the people who are saying this to you, too. How rude!! Like they have the crystal ball? Anyway, you have to think about how much better you will feel after you lose the weight. And, if you are working out and lifting weights (just to tone, not to become a weightlifter), you may look absolutely fabulous! Screw the naysayers!
   — Melissa C.

December 22, 2009
I turned 27 in oct - er 25 ( that's my story damn it). Naked I look 90 and use tooons of binding lingerie. Clothed I look 16/17. I de-aged in my face a lot but the rear of me was over 450 lbs at one point so I wasn't expecting to end up a super model lol.
   — Navada L.

December 22, 2009
Yeah, I heard all of that too, but I refuse to let people steal my joy! Most people think that WLS is an easy way out of being obese. It isn't! I think some of the nay-sayers are jealous of our good results. For sure, if they were where we were, they would welcome the loose skin! LOL* The bottom line is that this surgery works wonders for most of us, it changes how we feel about ourselves and food and our bodies in a way that is encouraging, building self-esteem and giving us new-found confidence. This is certainly true for me.
   — BeenThere1

December 22, 2009
i much prefer old to obese and my health is so much better
   — Bette Drecktrah

December 22, 2009
Well, I am 58 and I had RNY surgery and thank the good Lord I am not sagging , but hell if I do tough toe nails. Women, not all but most are jealous and they do not want anyone to be thin if they are over weight. Girl tell them to p*#& off and have fun.
   — FSUMom

December 22, 2009
Yes I have and yes I do have some sagging skin.....BUT since having RNY 2 June 2009 and loosing almost 80 pounds and 67 inches off my body a little "sagging skin" is a small trade off for no diabetic meds, hypertensive meds and cholesterol meds. So the next time someone says that to you......Like with Chef Ramsay....tell them to "piss off." We will be living longer than them anyways now that we are living healthier lifestyles. Good luck and God Bless you for making the RIGHT and HEALTHIER decision for YOU !!!!
   — karensaporito

December 22, 2009
Hi, My surgery is tentatively scheduled for January. I'm having lapband simply becuase I'm a chicken when it comes to being cut open. 2 very good friends of mine have had surgery; 1 was the band and the other was gastric bypass. The one with GB weighed almost 600lbs and was immobile. He was waiting to die. Today he has skin hanging everywhere, but he's out of the house and happy. The lap bander also has skin hanging but he no longer takes pills. Both are different people; healthy people. Isn't that what we really want? I'm not giving up carbs for 2 weeks to be a supermodel...I'm doing it because I was diagnosed as being in the early stages of Congestive Heart Failure and I'm only 41. My friends see the skin as a badge of honor, a triumph in a battle they've fought their whole lives. I want that badge too and to live for at least another 41 years. Smile politely at the nay sayers and live your is yours now..take it and be wishes!
   — kchooker

December 22, 2009
I am 53 and had RNY September 1. I am looking fine! LOL! No, really. Also, there is the option of plastic surgery down the road for the loose skin. I am not one to go for plastic surgery, but I am going to have this done. I do believe most insurance companies will cover this procedure after weight loss surgery, but don't quote me on that. As one poster, don't let people steal your joy. Joy is a gift from God! Be blessed! Maureen
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 22, 2009
I've never had anyone tell me that, in fact, after not seeing several of my relatives since my surgery 7 months ago, they said I look younger now than I did 15 years ago. I do have sagging skin, which I don't like, however, I'd rather have the sagging skin than be dead of a heart attack. I'm wondering, are the people saying these things to you obese? Maybe they're jealous? Keep your chin up and ignore! Good luck to you.
   — Char-Ree C.

December 26, 2009
I had RNY in June, 2008 and am down 140 pounds. Since I had the surgery I have been drinking 1/2 cup of fresh/frozen blueberries or strawberries with 1/3 cup of instant dry milk, 1/3 cup of light & fit yogurt, 1/3 cup of skim milk and 1 packet of sweet and low blended every morning for breakfast. I remember that years ago when my mom did weight watchers she always drank a cup of instant milk daily because it was supposed to help with saggy skin. I still remembered that, so I figured why not. Well, I do have some loose skin, however it is manageable and I know that it could be a lot worse. So I figure if it is the milk that is great, if not, it is still a good source of protein!
   — sandorah

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