6 wks thursday

I am almost 6 wks post op gastric bypass surgery.I have finally started back losing weight I have lost 10 lbs in 1 wk.I am having pains in my mid back and my stomach.I have had blood work done on Wednesday and a CT skan at the hospital I go back to the doctor Wednesday and the doctor will tell me my results he is thinking it is my gallbladder going bad .I am due to go back to work on Oct 27.I think i am going to put the gallbladder surgery off til after the holidays.Is theis safe to do has anyone else had this problem.    — felicia45Cook (posted on October 18, 2009)

October 18, 2009
You definitely do not want to put off the surgery if it is your gallbladder. My sister had her gallbladder rupture and ended up in ICU for a week. I had the surgery laparoscopically and was up and about like nothing ever happened the next day. We almost lost my sister. If your doctor thinks you should have surgery right away, please listen to him.
   — ladybugtx18

October 18, 2009
Do not put it off. You will have no choice if you wait any longer. Get it over with and get it out. It will make you very sick if you wait. And recovery is harder also when it gets worse. Plus the pain will only get worse and you will be miserable...Good luck
   — okbuffy

October 18, 2009
It's very common for people who have WLS to have problems with their gallbladder. I wouldn't hesistate if ANYTHING is wrong. Take care of yourself. Good luck!
   — Nina15137

October 19, 2009
Hey Felicia, I am glad to hear you are losing weight again. Congrats. But if you are having problems with your gallbladder, don't wait. Hopefully, you are just having gas pains. Pay attention to the foods you are eating for a few days. You could be eating foods that have a high gas content.....I hope it isn't your g/b. veggies, beans, eggs, and not all gas is passed. It actually gets caught up in your rib area. You have a lot of feet of intestines it has to go through and it doens't always make it's way out without a fight. I saw it on an xray at the chiropracter's office. He asked me if I have been feeling gassy and I said NO and he circled it on my xray and said "this is gas" Oh yeah, I was embarrased.
   — Kristy

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