Does anyone have any suggestions for full liquid diet after RNY?

   — debo1961 (posted on April 12, 2009)

April 11, 2009
full liquid diet consists of: sf puddings, yogurts, cream soups, and you should use a protein shake like atkins, low carb slim fast, etc. hope this helps!
   — RNlvnCARSON

April 13, 2009
I don't know about the diet for the RNY because I had the Duodenal Switch surgery. I am on a full liquid diet and I eat what I can so it doesn't make me sick.
   — crafty2259

June 23, 2009
I was confused about the difference between "clear liquid diet" and "full liquid diet." I ate what they suggested, plus runny creamed (whipped) potatoes made with chicken broth and seasoned with garlic and (very little) salt and pepper (pretty tasty, I thought). Of course, there's always room for Jello--remember that commercial? We now know there's NOT always room for Jello! lol It's good, though. In my trusty blender, I tried canned green beans (not my fave), carrots (not bad), and squash (the orange kind? Good with a teensy bit of butter seasoning). Also tried to make a blended medley of canned stuff (like above) in vegetable broth, for a veggie soup that did NOT live up to my imaginings! Maybe with chicken broth, but I'm not doin' it. Just look around the pantry, freezer, grocery--and maybe do some experimenting? Good luck and happy eating adventures to us all! Oh--and there are some books out there that have recipes as well as dietary info.
   — Cattykit

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