I just won my disability case Dec 3, now will the state help me get the surgery?

Any info on this would greatly help me. Thank you, Christina 08    — WyldCheri (posted on January 4, 2009)

January 4, 2009
Medicare covered my surgery, however, medicaid wouldn't. Call your surgeon's office. Their staff should be able to answer these type of questions with accurate information based on your state's regulations. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

January 4, 2009
It seems each state is a bit different in respect to this question. I live in NJ and have an HMO version of Medicaide. I too am on SSI. I was able to get the Vertical Gastric Sleeve done and was approved on my first letter. Of course I had a documented history of weight loss attemps prior, I think this helped the quick approval.
   — chell1957

January 4, 2009
Social Security disability is a federal, not state, program. In some states, being on social security disability qualifies you for Medicaid. Medicaid is a state program and what they will/won't cover differs from state to state. The only way to know if the Medicaid will cover WLS is to call and ask them. After you've been on disability for 2 years, you will qualify for Medicare (a federal program) which does, I'm pretty sure, cover WLS. Good Luck.
   — mrsidknee

January 5, 2009
Christina, Hi, and Congrats to you on winning your case. You didn't state whether you won a disability case from the Feds or from the private sector. If you won from the Feds as the others said you will have to check with your state and find out if your surgery is covered; if in fact your excess weight is the cause of the disability; then they will more than likely cover it(that is because you have the right to sue in the event your disability continues and is not better without the surgery and win again that way). If this is a private matter then any settlement should be enough to cover the surgery. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 5, 2009
My dad is on disability. His surgery was covered at 100% by medicare. Are you eligible for medicare?
   — mary_rn

January 7, 2009
Yes I won the federal one not a private disability...this is what the judge wrote: Dec. 3, 3008 To summarize briefly, I found you disabled as of October 15, 2007 because of degenerative joint disease, and obesity so severe that you are unable to perform any work existing in significant numbers in the national economy. Claimants allegations are corrobrated by the medical record, and medical opinion. I went down yesterday and signed up for medicaid....geesh they want medical seems like they want and expect the same things I just went through for the past 2 1/2 years to win my disability case...why was my papers from the federal judges findings good enough...if federal found me disabled which they are higher than state...why would state not comply with their findings? I feel like I am starting the fight all over again.... Wow and to have to wait 2 more years to get medicare...a person could be dead by then...its hard to not wanna give so depressed about all this... I was suppose to have my surgery done on Nov. 4th 2008 I went through all the test and I was one week away and my mother who was helping me by getting a loan for me to get it done and I make the payments let my sister talk crap to her and she ended up pulling the loan back and lied and said she never agreed to it...even tried to get me for fruad...they ended up returning all the money because the surgery was paid for a head of time and they ruled it a domestice battle....I was crushed....and my sister had the surgery done herself a year prior so she knew how bad I needed it... Well God had other plan cos a few days later I got a letter that my disability hearing was set for Dec 3, 2008 and I won after over 2 years of fighting...and I was saved 32,000.00 in having to pay the loan my mother lied about...but now here I sit getting ready to battle again to try and get yet more medical to get this done...its very disappointing to say the least..... Thank you all for your responses! Hugs n Kisses, Christina
   — WyldCheri

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