Why am I losing again?

I lost all my weight withing 2 years. Now after 5 years I am suddenly losing again. I was at my perfect weight of 151 for my 5'10" frame and now I am at 141. I am not doing anything differently except maybe eating too much since it is the holidays. Why am I suddenly dropping pounds again? I don't want to lose any more weight!!    — CAMFR (posted on December 21, 2008)

December 20, 2008
Congratulations on the great weight loss. I would say that you should see your doctor very soon. One reason for rapid weight loss like that can be diabetes. Please see your doctor as soon as possible. Good luck and keep us posted.
   — katiecakes

December 21, 2008
Hi, Another reason for rapid unexplained weight loss is an over active thyroid. You need to see you doctor as soon as you can for a full blood workup. Hope everything is OK with you and you find out the problem. Please let us know how you are doing! We care. Denise
   — deejacobs

December 21, 2008
I am definitely with the other two posts to your question so far. See your doctor ASAP. Something is going on; hopefully nothing serious. Diabetes and hyperthyroidism can be treated. Good Luck and God Bless, keep us posted, vinnigirl
   — vinnigirl

December 22, 2008
5 years is when MOST RNYers start to see vitamin deficiencies...You need to go get all your vitamins checked. Both b-12 and Anemia deficiencies have weight loss as symptoms and these are the MOST common at 5 years! If you do see your PCP rather than a bariatric surgeon for check ups (like I do) You need to explain that you have had WLS that causes malabsorption of vitamins, minerals and fats and need them all tested! Vits A and E, D, B1, B6, B12, Folate, Iron and Ferritin, Zinc, Magnesium, PTH Intact, Glucose (Hgb A1c), CBC, CMP, Lipid Panel, GGT...Thyroid...And it would do you good to also get a bone density scan and mammogram too! Make this a yearly routine...Prevention is the BEST medicine! Vitamin deficiencies can lead to serious irreversible brain and heart damage...NEVER let any new symptom go unchecked by a doctor AND LABS...Your 10 lb loss is serious reason to go get labs and make sure you are taking all your vits and supps! Good time to reevaluate! I wish you well!
   — .Anita R.

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